Engineering Apps برنامه ها

Data mining & Data Warehousing 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Data mining & DataWarehousing which cover important topics, notes, materials, news& blogs on the course. Download the App as a reference material& digital book for computer science, AI, data science& software engineering programs & business managementdegree courses.  This useful App lists 200 topics withdetailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & coursematerial, the topics are listed in 5 chapters. The app is must havefor all the computer science & engineering students &professionals.  The app provides quick revision and referenceto the important topics like a detailed flash card notes, it makesit easy & useful for the student or a professional to cover thecourse syllabus quickly before an exams or interview forjobs.  Track your learning, set reminders, edit the studymaterial, add favorite topics, share the topics on socialmedia.  You can also blog about engineering technology,innovation, engineering startups,  college research work,institute updates, Informative links on course materials &education programs from your smartphone or tablet or at  Use this useful engineeringapp as your tutorial, digital book, a reference guide for syllabus,course material, project work, sharing your views on theblog.  Some of the topics Covered in the app are: 1.Introduction to Data mining 2. Data Architecture 3. Data-Warehouses(DW) 4. Relational Databases 5. Transactional Databases 6. AdvancedData and Information Systems and Advanced Applications 7. DataMining Functionalities 8. Classification of Data Mining Systems 9.Data Mining Task Primitives 10. Integration of a Data Mining Systemwith a DataWarehouse System 11. Major Issues in Data Mining 12.Performance issues in Data Mining 13. Introduction to DataPreprocess 14. Descriptive Data Summarization 15. Measuring theDispersion of Data 16. Graphic Displays of Basic Descriptive DataSummaries 17. Data Cleaning 18. Noisy Data 19. Data CleaningProcess 20. Data Integration and Transformation 21. DataTransformation 22. Data Reduction 23. Dimensionality Reduction 24.Numerosity Reduction 25. Clustering and Sampling 26. DataDiscretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation 27. ConceptHierarchy Generation for Categorical Data 28. Introduction to Datawarehouses 29. Differences between Operational Database Systems andData Warehouses 30. A Multidimensional Data Model 31. AMultidimensional Data Model 32. Data Warehouse Architecture 33. TheProcess of Data Warehouse Design 34. A Three-Tier Data WarehouseArchitecture 35. Data Warehouse Back-End Tools and Utilities 36.Types of OLAP Servers: ROLAP versus MOLAP versus HOLAP 37. DataWarehouse Implementation 38. Data Warehousing to Data Mining 39.On-Line Analytical Processing to On-Line Analytical Mining 40.Methods for Data Cube Computation 41. Multiway Array Aggregationfor Full Cube Computation 42. Star-Cubing: Computing Iceberg CubesUsing a Dynamic Star-tree Structure 43. Pre-computing ShellFragments for Fast High-Dimensional OLAP 44. Driven Exploration ofData Cubes 45. Complex Aggregation at Multiple Granularity: Multifeature Cubes 46. Attribute-Oriented Induction 47.Attribute-Oriented Induction for Data Characterization 48.Efficient Implementation of Attribute-Oriented Induction 49. MiningClass Comparisons: Discriminating between Different Classes 50.Frequent patterns 51. The Apriori Algorithm 52. Efficient andscalable frequently itemset mining methods Each topic is completewith diagrams, equations and other forms of graphicalrepresentations for better learning and quick understanding. Data mining & Data Warehousing is part of computer science,software engineering, AI, Machine learning & StatisticalComputing education course and information technology &business management degree programs at various universities. 
Solid State Electronics 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Solid state electronicswhich covers important topics, notes, materials & news on thecourse. Download the App as a reference material & digital bookfor Material science, Chemistry, computer science & electricalengineering & electronic engineering programs & degreecourses. Solid state electronics useful App lists 75 topics withdetailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & coursematerial, the topics are listed in 7 chapters. The app is must havefor all the engineering science students & professionals. Solidstate electronics app provides quick revision and reference to theimportant topics like a detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy& useful for the student or a professional to cover the coursesyllabus quickly just before an exams or job interviews. Also getthe hottest international engineering & technology news on yourapp powered by Google news feeds. We have customised it so that youget regular updates on subject from international/nationalcolleges, universities, research, industry, applications,engineering, tech, articles & innovation. This is the bestapplication to remain updated on your fav. subject. Use this usefulengineering app as your education tool, utility, tutorial, book, areference guide for syllabus and explore study course material,aptitude tests & project work. Track your learning, setreminders, edit, add favourite topics, share the topics on socialmedia. Some of the topics Covered in the app are: 1. Feedbacktopology 2. Properties of negative feedback 3. Introduction:Special Diodes 4. Introduction: Special Diodes 5. Varactor Diodes6. Schottky Diode 7. Photodiodes 8. LEDs 9. Tunnel Diodes 10.Construction of tunnel diodes 11. Characteristics of tunnel diodes12. Zener Diodes 13. Zener Breakdown 14. Avalanche breakdown 15. RClow pass circuit 16. RC high pass circuit 17. Response to sine waveinputs 18. Response to square wave inputs 19. RC circuit asdifferentiator 20. RC circuit as integrator 21. Compensatedattenuator 22. Low frequency response of common emitter amplifier23. High frequency response of common emitter amplifier 24.Miller's Theorem 25. Low frequency response of common sourceamplifier 26. High frequency response of common source amplifier27. Multistage amplifiers 28. Cascade amplifiers 29. Cascade andDarlington pair 30. Cascade connection: Transmission Parameters 31.Types of Coupling 32. Thermal stability 33. Current mirrors 34.Linear Operations 35. General feedback structure 36. Series shuntfeedback amplifier 37. Shunt series feedback amplifier 38.Series-series feedback amplifier 39. Shunt-shunt feedback amplifier40. Determination of loop gain 41. Stability problem 42. Nyquistplot 43. Basic principle of sinusoidal oscillator 44. A simpletwo-stage oscillator with RLC in series feedback 45. An RLC inseries oscillator based upon an operational amplifier 46. RCOscillators 47. Wein bridge oscillator 48. Operation & workingof Wien Bridge Oscillator 49. Phase shift oscillator 50. Collpitoscillator 51. Hartley oscillator 52. Clap oscillator 53. Crystaloscillator 54. 1C 555 Timers 55. 1C 555 timer applications 56.Voltage Regulators 57. Types of Voltage regulators 58. Concept ofseries regulators 59. Series pass regulator with feedback 60.Concept of shunt regulators 61. Concept of switching regulators 62.Sample circuit 63. Series Circuit 64. Hold circuit 65. A/Dconverters 66. D/A converters 67. Astable multivibrators 68.Monostable multivibrators 69. TTL/CMOS Monostable Multivibrators70. Schmitt trigger 71. VCO 72. PLL(phase locked loop) Each topicis complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphicalrepresentations for better learning and quick understanding. Solidstate electronics & devices course is part of Material science,Chemistry, computer science & electrical engineering &electronics engineering education courses and technology degreeprograms of various universities.
Artificial Intelligence 5.4
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook ofArtificial Intelligence with diagrams and graphs. It is part ofComputer or software engineering education which brings importanttopics, notes, news & blog on the subject. The App serves as aquick reference guide on this engineering subject.It covers more than 140 topics of Artificial Intelligence indetail. The topics are divided into 5 units.Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other formsof graphical representations for better learning and quickunderstanding. The App will provide faster learning and quickrevisions on the subject.Some of the topics Covered in this application are:1. Turing test2. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence3. History of AI4. The AI Cycle5. Knowledge Representation6. Typical AI problems7. Limits of AI8. Introduction to Agents9. Agent Performance10. Intelligent Agents11. Structure Of Intelligent Agents12. Types of agent program13. Goal based Agents14. Utility-based agents15. Agents and environments16. Agent architectures17. Search for Solutions18. State Spaces19. Graph Searching20. A Generic Searching Algorithm21. Uninformed Search Strategies22. Breadth-First Search23. Heuristic Search24. A∗ Search25. Search Tree26. Depth first Search27. Properties of Depth First Search28. Bi-directional search29. Search Graphs30. Informed Search Strategies31. Methods of Informed Search32. Greedy Search33. Proof of Admissibility of A*34. Properties of Heuristics35. Iterative-Deepening A*36. Other Memory limited heuristic search37. N-Queens eample38. Adversarial Search39. Genetic Algorithms40. Games41. Optimal decisions in Games42. minimax algorithm43. Alpha Beta Pruning44. Backtracking45. Consistency Driven Techniques46. Path Consistency (K-Consistency)47. Look Ahead48. Propositional Logic49. Syntax of Propositional Calculus50. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning51. Propositional Logic Inference52. Propositional Definite Clauses53. Knowledge-Level Debugging54. Rules of Inference55. Soundness and Completeness56. First Order Logic57. Unification 58. Semantics59. Herbrand Universe60. Soundness, Completeness, Consistency, Satisfiability61. Resolution62. Herbrand Revisited63. Proof as Search64. Some Proof Strategies65. Non-Monotonic Reasoning66. Truth Maintenance Systems67. Rule Based Systems68. Pure Prolog69. Forward chaining70. backward Chaining71. Choice between forward and backward chaining72. AND/OR Trees73. Hidden Markov Model74. Bayesian networks75. Learning Issues76. Supervised Learning77. Decision Trees78. Knowledge Representation Formalisms79. Semantic Networks80. Inference in a Semantic Net81. Extending Semantic Nets82. Frames83. Slots as Objects84. Interpreting frames85. Introduction to Planning86. Problem Solving vs. Planning87. Logic Based Planning88. Planning Systems89. Planning as Search90. Situation-Space Planning Algorithms91. Partial-Order Planning92. Plan-Space Planning Algorithms93. Interleaving vs. Non-Interleaving of Sub-Plan Steps94. Simple Sock/Shoe Example95. Probabilistic Reasoning96. Review of Probability Theory97. Semantics of Bayesian Networks98. Introduction to Learning99. Taxonomy of Learning Systems100. Mathematical formulation of the inductive learningproblem101. Concept Learning102. Concept Learning as Search103. Algorithm to Find a Maximally-Specific Hypothesis104. Candidate Elimination Algorithm105. The Candidate-Elimination Algorithm106. Decision Tree Construction107. Splitting Functions108. Decision Tree Pruning109. Neural Networks110. Artificial Neural Networks111. Perceptron112. Perceptron Learning
Computer Architecture & Org 5.3
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook ofComputer system Architecture & Organization which coversimportant topics, notes, materials, news & blogs on the course.Download the App as a reference material & digital book forcomputer science engineering programs & software degreecourses.This useful App lists 125 topics with detailed notes, diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineering sciencestudents & professionals.The app provides quick revision and reference to the importanttopics like a detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy &useful for the student or a professional to cover the coursesyllabus quickly before an exams or interview for jobs.Track your learning, set reminders, edit the study material, addfavorite topics, share the topics on social media.You can also blog about engineering technology, innovation,engineering startups, college research work, institute updates,Informative links on course materials & education programs fromyour smartphone or tablet or at this useful engineering app as your tutorial, digital book,a reference guide for syllabus, course material, project work,sharing your views on the blog.Some of the topics Covered in the app are:1. Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture2. Computer Organization and Architecture Structure3. Performance Measures4. Memory Locations and Operations5. Addressing Modes6. Instruction types of machine7. A Simple Machine8. Instructions mnemonics and syntax9. Assembler Directives and Commands10. Assembly and Execution of Programs11. Number System12. Integer Arithmetic13. Floating Point Arithmetic14. The IEEE Floating-Point Standard15. Hamming Code16. The Arithmetic and logic Unit17. Integer Representation18. Micro Operations19. Control of the processor20. Hardware Implimentations21. Microprogrammed Control22. Microinstruction Sequencing23. Microinstruction Execution24. TI 880025. Types of parallel Processor systems26. Symmetric Multiprocessors27. Symmetric Multiprocessors Organization28. Multiprocessor Operating System Design Considerations29. A Mainframe SMP30. Cache Coherence and the mesi protocol31. Software and hardware Solutions for cache Coherence32. The MESI Protocol33. Multithreading and Clip Multiprocessing34. Approaches to Explicit Multithreading35. Clusters36. Operating System Design Issues in Clustering37. Cluster Computer Architecture38. Nonuniform memory Access39. NUMA Pros and Cons40. Vector Computation41. Approaches to Vector Computation42. Hardware Performance Issues43. Power Consumption44. Software Performance Issues45. Application Example:Valve Game Software46. Multicore Organization47. Introduction to Input/Output Devices48. Basic Concepts of I/O Devices49. Progarmmed I/O50. Interrupt – Driven I/O51. Interrupt Hardware52. Examples of interrupt I/O53. Direct Memory Access(DMA)54. Buses55. Synchronous and Asynchronous Buses56. Bus Arbitration57. Input/Output Interfaces58. Accessing I/O Devices59. Program-controlled I/O60. Interrupts61. Interrupts Hardware62. Interrupt Hardware63. Enabling and Disabling Interrupts64. Handling Multiple DevicesEach topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other formsof graphical representations for better learning and quickunderstanding.Computer system Architecture & Organization is part ofcomputer science, software engineering education courses andinformation technology degree programs of various universities.
Power System Analysis 5.3
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook ofElectric Power System & Analysis which covers important topics,notes, materials, news & blogs on the course. Download the Appas a reference material & digital book for electricalengineering programs & degree courses.This useful App lists 90 topics with detailed notes, diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineering sciencestudents & professionals.The app provides quick revision and reference to the importanttopics like a detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy &useful for the student or a professional to cover the coursesyllabus quickly before an exams or interview for jobs.Track your learning, set reminders, edit the study material, addfavorite topics, share the topics on social media.You can also blog about engineering technology, innovation,engineering startups, college research work, institute updates,Informative links on course materials & education programs fromyour smartphone or tablet or at this useful engineering app as your tutorial, digital book,a reference guide for syllabus, course material, project work,sharing your views on the blog.Some of the topics Covered in the app are:1. Introduction to development of Modern power system2. Introduction to Modern power system3. Basic Structure of a Power System4. Series Parameters of Transmission Lines5. Line Resistance6. Inductance of a Straight Conductor7. Internal Inductance8. External Inductance9. Inductance of a Single-phase Line10. Inductance of Three-Phase Lines with Symmetrical Spacing11. Inductance of Three-Phase Lines with Asymmetrical Spacing12. Transposed Line13. Composite Conductors14. Inductance of Conductor15. Bundled Conductor16. Shunt parameters of Transmission Lines17. Capacitance of a Straight Conductor18. Capacitance of a 1- Φ transmission line19. Capacitance of a Three Phase line with equilateralspacing20. Capacitance of three phase unsymmetrical space transmissionline21. Capacitance of a double circuit line22. Effect of Earth on Capacitance of Transmission Line23. Synchronous Machine Model24. Transformer Model25. Balanced Operation of a Three Phase Circuit26. Per Unit Representation27. Network Admittance and impedance matrices28. Formation of Bus Admittance Matrix29. Node Elimination by matrix partitioning30. Node Elimination by Kron Reduction31. Inclusion of line charging capacitor32. Elements of the bus impedance and admittance matrices33. Modification of Bus Impedance Matrix34. Adding a new bus to the reference bus35. Adding a new bus to an existing bus through an impedance36. Adding Impedance between two Existing Buses.37. Direct Determination of Zbus Matrix38. Thevenin Impedance and Zbus Matrix39. Transmission Line Models40. ABCD Parameters41. Short Transmission Line42. Medium transmission Line43. Equivalent - Representation of a long line44. Nominal T Representation45. Characterization of a long lossless line46. Voltage and Current Characteristics of an SMIB System47. Mid Point Voltage and Current of Loaded Lines48. Power in lossless line49. Economic Operation Of Power System50. Economic Distribution of Loads between the Units of aPlant51. Generating limit52. Economic sharing of loads between different plants53. Automatic Generation Control54. Load Frequency Control55. Coordination between LFC And Economic Dispatch56. Load Flow StudiesEach topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other formsof graphical representations for better learning and quickunderstanding.Power System Analysis is part of electrical engineeringeducation courses and technology degree programs of variousuniversities
Computer networks basics 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Computer networks whichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs on thecourse. Download the App as a reference material & digital bookfor Computer Science engineering programs & software degreecourses. This useful App lists 144 topics with detailed notes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics arelisted in 8 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineeringscience students & professionals. The app provides quickrevision and reference to the important topics like a detailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for the student ora professional to cover the course syllabus quickly before an examsor interview for jobs. Track your learning, set reminders, edit thestudy material, add favorite topics, share the topics on socialmedia. You can also blog about engineering technology, innovation,engineering startups, college research work, institute updates,Informative links on course materials & education programs fromyour smartphone or tablet or at this useful engineering app as your tutorial, digital book, areference guide for syllabus, course material, project work,sharing your views on the blog. Some of the topics Covered in theapp are: 1. Growth Of Computer Networking 2. Networking SeemsComplex 3. Five Key Aspects Of Networking 4. Local area network (LAN) 5. Metropolitan Area Network ( MAN) 6. Wide Area Network ( WAN) 7. OSI reference Model (OSI layers) 8. TCP/IP Reference Model 9.Comparison of the OSI and TCP/IP Reference Models 10. Problems ofthe TCP/IP Reference Mode 11. Problems of the OSI Model/layers 12.ARPANET 13. Architecture of the Internet 14. ATM Reference Model15. Client-server model 16. Peer-to-peer Communication 17.Transmission technologies 18. Connection-Oriented andConnectionless Services 19. Protocol Hierarchies 20. Interfaces 21.Services of layers 22. X.25 networks 23. Applications of computernetworks 24. Using layered protocols 25. simplex, half-duplex andfull-duplex communication 26. Novell NetWare IPX packet 27. Networktopology/topologies 28. Taxonomy By Forms Of Energy 29. CoaxialCable 30. Twisted Pair 31. Fiber optic cables 32. Compare FiberOptics and Copper Wire 33. Switching 34. Compare circuit-switchedand packet-switched networks 35. Dual cable and single cablesystems 36. Single mode and multimode fibers 37. Disadvantages ofoptical fiber 38. Serial Transmission 39. ISDN Architecture 40.Objectives of ISDN 41. ISDN Reference Model 42. Data Link layerdesign issues 43. Services provided by the data link layer 44.Framing in data link layer 45. Error-Correcting Codes 46.Unrestricted Simplex Protocol 47. A Simplex Stop-and-Wait Protocol48. Simplex Protocol for a Noisy Channel 49. Sliding WindowProtocols 50. One-Bit Sliding Window Protocol 51. A Protocol UsingGo Back N 52. High-Level Data Link Control 53. Data Link Layer inInternet 54. The Point-to-Point Protocol 55. Point-to-PointProtocol frame format 56. LCP packets 57. Static Channel Allocation58. Dynamic Channel Allocation in LANs and MANs 59. ALOHA 60.Slotted ALOHA 61. 1-persistent CSMA 62. Non-persistent CSMA 63.p-persistent CSMA 64. CSMA with Collision Detection 65. Bit-mapcollision free protocol 66. Binary countdown protocol 67.Limited-Contention Protocols 68. Adaptive Tree Walk Protocol 69.Ethernet Cabling 70. Cable topologies of Ethernet 71. ManchesterEncoding 72. 802.3 frame format 73. Binary Exponential BackoffAlgorithm 74. Services of 802.11 75. Bridges 76. Operation of TwoPort Bridge 77. Spanning Tree Bridges Each topic is complete withdiagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representationsfor better learning and quick understanding. Computer networks ispart of computer science engineering education courses andinformation technology degree programs of various universities.
Programming Principles 5.3
Engineering Apps
Complete Free handbook of ProgrammingPrinciples with diagrams and graphs. App covers notes onProgramming Principles. The best app in Engineering Education alsobrings the blog where you can contribute your work and get theresearch, industry, university News on the subject.You can very easily pass and succeed in your exams or interviews,the app provides quick revision and reference to the topics like adetailed flash card.Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms ofgraphical representations for easy understanding.This is most applicable app for computer science, softwareengineering, Information technology and other programming studentsin universities and colleges, aimed at students with little or noprogramming experience.While writing software a coder needs to keep a lot of things inmind few things like KISS, DRY & YAGNI, Abstraction,Open/Closed Principles & more, download the application tolearn more.The app is a handbook covering lecture notes, principles,definitions, concepts, diagrams, formulas, theory, laws, tools,equations, calculations and graphs on the subject.Features of the application:1) Over 120 topics on Principles of Programming2) Divided into 8 major units for easy discovery of content3) Broken down into small topics, Unique flashcard basedlearning.4) Extremely easy navigation5) Offers quick revision, interview preparations, professional helpat one touch6) Swipe based UI - on the details page7) Around 500 words on each topic with graphicalrepresentationsSome of topics Covered in this application are:1. Abstract Machines2. The Interpreter3. Low-level and High-level languages4. Example of an Abstract Machine5. Describe a Programming Language6. Grammar and Syntax7. Introduction to syntax and semantics8. Problem of Describing Syntax9. Methods of Describing Syntax10. Extended BNF11. Attribute Grammars12. Attribute Grammars Defined13. Examples of Attribute Grammars14. Computing Attribute Values15. Dynamic Semantics16. Axiomatic Semantics17. Principles of language design18. Programming paradigm19. History of programming languages20. Language design21. Design goals of programming languages22. Compilers23. Virtual machines and interpreters24. Chomsky Hierarchy25. Elementary data types26. Integer operations27. Overflow operation28. Enumeration types29. Character type30. Boolean type31. Subtypes32. Derived types33. Expressions34. Assignment statements35. Introduction to lexical and semantic analysis36. Lexical Analysis37. Parsing Problem38. Top-Down parsing39. Bottom-Up Parsing40. Complexity of Parsing41. LL Grammar Class42. Parsing Problem for Bottom-Up Parsers43. Shift-Reduce Algorithms44. LR Parsers45. Data type46. Primitive Data Types47. Character String Types48. Implementation of Character String Types49. Array Types50. Array Categories51. Slices52. Implementation of Array Types53. Associative Arrays54. Record Types55. Tuple Types56. List Types57. Union Types58. Pointer and Reference Types59. Pointer Problems60. Pointers in C and C61. Reference Types62. Implementation of Pointer and Reference Types63. Heap Management64. Type Checking65. Strong Typing66. Expressions67. Arithmetic Expressions68. Operator Evaluation Order69. Associativity70. Parentheses71. Operand Evaluation Order72. Referential Transparency73. Overloaded Operators74. Type Conversions75. Coercion in Expressions76. Explicit Type Conversion77. Relational and Boolean Expressions78. Short-Circuit Evaluation79. Assignment statements80. Fundamentals of Subprograms81. Procedures and Functions in subprograms82. Design Issues for Subprograms83. Local Referencing Environments84. Parameter-Passing MethodsAll topics are not listed because of character limitations set bythe Play Store.
Non-Conventional Energy 5.3
Engineering Apps
Engineering apps allow you to learnengineering for free- Free handbook of Non-Conventional Energy : covers importanttopics, notes, materials, news & blogs on the course. Downloadthe App as a reference material & digital book for electricalengineering programs & degree courses.- Lists 70 useful topics: for free with detailed notes, diagrams,equations, formulas & the course material applicable for youirrespective of school, college or university.- Learn from packed information and explanations on various topics.Pick any topic anytime, start from anywhere you like.- Quick revision and reference: The new UI makes it easy &useful for the student or a professional to cover the coursesyllabus quickly before an exams or interview for jobs.- Track your learning: Know what you have read, set reminders, addfavourite, share the topics on social media and keep coming backfor quick glance.- Edit the study material: Add what’s missing, what’s needed andhelp the fellow students, professionals in better learning.- Write & Blog: about engineering technology, innovation,engineering startups, college research work, institute updates,your own work, Informative links on course materials &education programs from your smartphone or tablet or at Invite people to blog & write about the trending topics,important syllabus & course material.- Use this useful free engineering app as your tutorial, digitalbook, Lecture notes, a reference guide for syllabus, coursematerial, project work, sharing your views on the blog.- Must have for all the Science, technology, engineering andmathematics students & professionals.Engineering apps have together over 4 million downloads and itmakes it one of the most used apps in engineering by students andprofessionals. Engineering apps cover 126 subjects & apps fromCivil, electrical, mechanical, computers, machine learning,electronics & telecommunications engineering.The App is part of free engineering apps
Television (TV) Engineering 5.4
Engineering Apps
This free App on Television (TV) Engineering covers most importanttopics in simple English and diagrams for a quick study andrevisions at the time of Exams, Viva, Assignments and Jobinterviews. It is the most useful App for last minute preparations.The Best app for school, college and work. If you are a student Itwill help to learn a lot. This useful App lists 150 topics in 5chapters, totally based on practical as well as a strong base oftheoretical knowledge with notes written in very simple andunderstandable English. Consider this App as a quick note guidewhich professors use in a classroom. The App will help in fasterlearning and quick revisions of all the topics. Some of the topicsCovered in the app are: 1. Introduction to Television System 2.Vidicon TV camera tube 3. Sound transmission. 4. Picture reception5. Sound reception synchronization 6. Receiver controls 7. Colourtelevision 8. Colour Receiver Controls 9. GROSS STRUCTURE 10.Horizontal scanning 11. Vertical scanning 12. NUMBER OF SCANNINGLINES 13. Flicker 14. Interlaced scanning 15. Scanning periods 16.Scanning periods 17. Scanning sequence 18. Vertical resolution 19.Horizontal resolution 20. Interlace error 21. Tonal gradation 22.VIDEO SIGNAL DIMENSIONS 23. Blanking pulses 24. Horizontal syncdetails 25. Vertical sync details 26. Sync pulse separation andgeneration of vertical and horizontal sync pulses 27. Equalizingpulses 28. Functions of vertical pulse train 29. Sync details ofthe 525 line system 30. Amplitude modulation 31. Channel bandwidth32. Vestigial sideband transmission 33. Transmission efficiency 34.Complete channel bandwidth 35. Reception of vestigial sidebandsignals 36. Demerits of Vestigial Sideband Transmission 37.Frequency modulation 38. FM channel bandwidth. 39. Channelbandwidth for color transmission 40. Allocation of frequency bandsfor television signal Transmission 41. Monochrome picture tube 42.Electron Gun 43. Beam deflection 44. Screen phosphor 45. Face plate46. Picture tube characteristics 47. Picture tube circuit controls48. Television Camera Tube-Basic Principle 49. Television CameraTube- Video Signal 50. Television Camera Tube- Electron Multiplier51. Image orthicon 52. Light Transfer Characteristics andApplications 53. Vidicon 54. Vidicon-Leaky Capacitor Concept 55.Vidicon- Light Transfer Characteristics 56. The plumbicon 57.Plumbicon Light Transfer Characteristics 58. Silicon diode arrayvidicon 59. Solid state image scanners 60. Cameras EmployingSolid-State Scanners 61. Television studio 62. Television cameras63. Programme control room 64. Video switcher 65. ElectronicSwitcher Configuration. 66. Electronic Switcher Configuration 67.Synchronizing system 68. Sync Pulse Generation (SPG) Circuitry 69.Master control room (MCR). 70. Generation of amplitude modulation71. Television transmitter 72. Positive and negative modulation 73.Comparison of Positive and Negative Modulation 74. Sound signaltransmission 75. Merits of frequency modulation 76. Pre-emphasisand De-emphasis 77. Generation of frequency modulation 78.Transistor Reactance Modulator 79. Varactor Diode Modulator 80.Stabilized reactance modulator. 81. Armstrong FM System 82. FMsound signal 83. Types of television receivers 84. Receiversections 85. Vestigial sideband correction 86. Choice ofintermediate frequencies. 87. Picture tube circuitry and controls88. Automatic Gain Control (AGC). 89. Sync processing and AFCcircuit. 90. B or low voltage power supply 91. High Voltage (EHT)Supply 92. Antennas-Radiation Mechanism 93. Radiation Patterns ofResonant Antennas
Data Structure and Algorithm 7
Engineering Apps
This free App on Data Structure covers most important topics withfull Description using Easy example and Diagrams. this Subject isvery Helpful in Exam, Viva, Gate. All Chapter are Related to eachother so after keeping it in mind all Content are Arranged withStep by Step. The best app for Exam, college and in programs. Ifyou are a student It will help to learn a lot. This useful Applists 130 topics in 5 chapters, totally based on practical as wellas a strong base of theoretical knowledge with notes written invery simple and understandable English. Consider this App as aquick note guide which professors use in a classroom. The App willhelp in faster learning and quick revisions of all the topics. Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1. Introduction to Algorithms2. Efficiency of algorithm 3. Analysis of insertion sort 4.Insertion sort 5. The divide-and-conquer approach 6. Analyzingdivide-and-conquer algorithms 7. Asymptotic notation 8. Asymptoticnotation in equations and inequalities 9. Standard notations andcommon functions 10. The hiring problem 11. Indicator randomvariables 12. Balls and bins 13. Probabilistic analysis and furtheruses of indicator random variables 14. Streaks 15. The on-linehiring problem 16. Overview of Recurrences 17. The substitutionmethod for recurrences 18. The recursion-tree method 19. The mastermethod 20. Proof of the master theorem 21. The proof for exactpowers 22. Floors and ceilings 23. Randomized algorithms 24. Heaps25. Maintaining the heap property 26. Building a heap 27. Theheapsort algorithm 28. Priority queues 29. Description of quicksort30. Performance of quicksort 31. A randomized version of quicksort32. Analysis of quicksort 33. Lower bounds for sorting 34. Countingsort 35. Radix sort 36. Minimum and maximum 37. Selection inexpected linear time 38. Bucket sort 39. Selection in worst-caselinear time 40. Stacks and queues 41. Linked lists 42. Implementingpointers and objects 43. Representing rooted trees 44.Direct-address tables 45. Hash tables 46. Hash functions 47. Openaddressing 48. Perfect hashing 49. introduction to binary searchtree 50. Querying a binary search tree 51. Insertion and deletion52. Randomly built binary search trees 53. Red-Black Trees 54.Rotations of red black tree 55. Insertion in red black tree 56.Deletion in red black tree 57. Dynamic order statistics 58.Augmenting a Data Structure 59. Interval Trees 60. Overview ofDynamic Programming 61. Assembly-line scheduling 62. Matrix-chainmultiplication 63. Elements of dynamic programming 64. Longestcommon subsequence 65. Optimal binary search trees 66. GreedyAlgorithms 67. Elements of the greedy strategy 68. Huffman codes69. Theoretical foundations for greedy methods 70. Atask-scheduling problem 71. Aggregate analysis 72. The accountingmethod 73. The potential method 74. Dynamic tables 75. B-Trees 76.Definition of B-trees 77. Basic operations on B-trees 78. Deletinga key from a B-tree 79. Binomial Heaps 80. Operations on binomialheaps 81. Fibonacci Heaps 82. Mergeable-heap operations 83.Decreasing a key and deleting a node 84. Bounding the maximumdegree 85. Data Structures for Disjoint Sets 86. Linked-listrepresentation of disjoint sets 87. Disjoint-set forests 88.Analysis of union by rank with path compression 89. Representationsof graphs 90. Breadth-first search 91. Depth-first search 92.Topological sort 93. Strongly connected components 94. MinimumSpanning Trees 95. Growing a minimum spanning tree 96. Thealgorithms of Kruskal and Prim 97. Single-Source Shortest Paths 98.The Bellman-Ford algorithm 99. Single-source shortest paths indirected acyclic graphs 100. Dijkstra's algorithm 101. Differenceconstraints and shortest paths 102. Shortest paths and matrixmultiplication 103. The Floyd-Warshall algorithm Algorithms is partof computer science & software engineering education coursesand information technology degree programs of various universities.
Engineering Apps
Explore Electrical Skills app contains electrical topics for allelectrical engineering student. This app contain topic details inthe precisely manner.Handy app easy to learn electrical engineeringrelated stuff. Explore Electrical Skills contains notes onElectrical Skills Engineering course for Engineering studentsIMPORTANT LINKS Feedback: Share your feedback Social links Facebook : Twitter :
Neural network fuzzy systems 5.4
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Neural network, fuzzysystems which cover important topics, notes, materials, news &blogs on the course. Download the App as a reference material &digital book for Brain and Cognitive Sciences, AI, computerscience, machine learning, knowledge engineering programs &degree courses.  This useful App lists 149 topics withdetailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & coursematerial, the topics are listed in 10 chapters. The app is musthave for all the engineering science students &professionals.  The app provides quick revision and referenceto the important topics like a detailed flash card notes, it makesit easy & useful for the student or a professional to cover thecourse syllabus quickly before an exams or interview forjobs.  Track your learning, set reminders, edit the studymaterial, add favorite topics, share the topics on socialmedia.  You can also blog about engineering technology,innovation, engineering startups,  college research work,institute updates, Informative links on course materials &education programs from your smartphone or tablet or at  Use this useful engineeringapp as your tutorial, digital book, a reference guide for syllabus,course material, project work, sharing your views on theblog.  Some of the topics Covered in the app are: 1) RegisterAllocation and Assignment 2) The Lazy-Code-Motion Algorithm 3)Matrix Multiply: An In-Depth Example 4) Rsa topic 1 5) Introductionto Neural Networks 6) History of neural networks 7) Networkarchitectures 8) Artificial Intelligence of neural network 9)Knowledge Representation 10) Human Brain 11) Model of a neuron 12)Neural Network as a Directed Graph 13) The concept of time inneural networks 14) Components of neural Networks 15) NetworkTopologies 16) The bias neuron 17) Representing neurons 18) Orderof activation 19) Introduction to learning process 20) Paradigms oflearning 21) Training patterns and Teaching input 22) Usingtraining samples 23) Learning curve and error measurement 24)Gradient optimization procedures 25) Exemplary problems allow fortesting self-coded learning strategies 26) Hebbian learning rule27) Genetic Algorithms 28) Expert systems 29) Fuzzy Systems forKnowledge Engineering 30) Neural Networks for Knowledge Engineering31) Feed-forward Networks 32) The perceptron, backpropagation andits variants 33) A single layer perceptron 34) Linear Separability35) A multilayer perceptron 36) Resilient Backpropagation 37)Initial configuration of a multilayer perceptron 38) The 8-3-8encoding problem 39) Back propagation of error 40) Components andstructure of an RBF network 41) Information processing of an RBFnetwork 42) Combinations of equation system and gradient strategies43) Centers and widths of RBF neurons 44) Growing RBF networksautomatically adjust the neuron density 45) Comparing RBF networksand multilayer perceptrons 46) Recurrent perceptron-like networks47) Elman networks 48) Training recurrent networks 49) Hopfieldnetworks 50) Weight matrix 51) Auto association and traditionalapplication 52) Heteroassociation and analogies to neural datastorage 53) Continuous Hopfield networks 54) Quantization 55)Codebook vectors 56) Adaptive Resonance Theory 57) KohonenSelf-Organizing Topological Maps 58) Unsupervised Self-OrganizingFeature Maps 59) Learning Vector Quantization Algorithms forSupervised Learning 60) Pattern Associations 61) The HopfieldNetwork 62) Limitations to using the Hopfield network Each topic iscomplete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphicalrepresentations for better learning and quick understanding. Neural network, fuzzy systems is part of Brain and CognitiveSciences, AI, computer science, machine learning, electrical,electronics, knowledge engineering education courses and technologydegree programs at various universities. 
Water Resource Engineering 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Water Resource Engineeringwhich covers important topics, notes, materials & news on thecourse. Download the App as a reference material & digital bookfor Civil and Environmental engineering programs & degreecourses. This useful App lists 135 topics with detailed notes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics arelisted in 5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineeringscience students & professionals. The app provides quickrevision and reference to the important topics like a detailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for the student ora professional to cover the course syllabus quickly just before anexams or job interviews. Also get the hottest internationalengineering & technology news on your app powered by Googlenews feeds. We have customised it so that you get regular updateson subject from international/national colleges, universities,research, industry, applications, engineering, tech, articles &innovation. This is the best application to remain updated on yourfav. subject. Use this useful engineering app as your educationtool, utility, tutorial, book, a reference guide for syllabus andexplore study course material, aptitude tests & project work.Track your learning, set reminders, edit, add favourite topics,share the topics on social media. Some of the topics Covered in theapp are: 1. Environmental concerns and recreational development inrelation to public health 2. The concept of drought 3. TheGround-Water Component of Stream flow 4. Effects on crop yields inhydro-economic modeling 5. Siting and sizing the components of aregional wastewater system 6. Evaluation of the surface waterquality 7. Three applications of dams in Nepal, Malaysia, andTurkey 8. Control mosquitoes in fresh water 9. Environmentalconcerns and recreational development 10. Environmental indicatorsof healthy water resources 11. FAO policy and strategy on foodsecurity and water development 12. Health opportunities in waterresources development 13. Health opportunity assessment in waterresource development 14. Introduction of Reservoirs 15. Methods ofassessing impacts and quality chemical, physical , biological 16.Principles of environmental and health impact assessment 17. Safemanagement of the Ross River dam 18. Socioeconomic and healthimpacts of water resources development 19. The effect of damconstruction 20. Water resources development and health 21. Waterresources development 22. Urban water resource problems invector-borne disease with special reference 23. HYDRAULIC,HYDROLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC APPROACHES 24. Surface Water 25.DROUGHT AND FLOOD MANAGEMENT 26. Rigid armour 27. The HydrologicalCycle 28. Rainfall Measurements 29. Infiltration Testing 30.Precipitation 31. EVAPOTRANSPIRATION SYSTEMS 32. Artificialwetlands 33. Safe management of the Ross River dam 34. Introductionto Integration of water resources modeling 35. Reservoir operationmodeling 36. Integrated water management systems description 37.Concepts for Planning Water Resources Development 38. Datarequirement for hydropower generation project 39. Design FloodEstimation 40. Guidelines for drinking and irrigation waterprojects 41. International indicators for comparing water resourcespotential 42. Management strategies for excess and deficit waterimbalances 43. National Policy for Water Resources Development 44.Planning and Assessment of Data for Project Formulation 45. Presentwater utilization 46. Present water utilization Each topic iscomplete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphicalrepresentations for better learning and quick understanding. WaterResource Engineering is part of Civil and Environmental engineeringeducation courses and technology degree programs of variousuniversities.
Microwave Engineering 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Microwave Engineering whichcovers important topics, notes, materials & news on the course.Download the App as a reference material & digital book forelectronics & electrical engineering programs & degreecourses. This useful App lists 75 topics with detailed notes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics arelisted in 5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineeringscience students & professionals. The app provides quickrevision and reference to the important topics like a detailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for the student ora professional to cover the course syllabus quickly just before anexams or job interviews. Also get the hottest internationalengineering & technology news on your app powered by Googlenews feeds. We have customised it so that you get regular updateson subject from international/national colleges, universities,research, industry, applications, engineering, tech, articles &innovation. This is the best application to remain updated on yourfav. subject. Use this useful engineering app as your educationtool, utility, tutorial, book, a reference guide for syllabus andexplore study course material, aptitude tests & project work.Track your learning, set reminders, edit, add favourite topics,share the topics on social media. Some of the topics Covered in theapp are: 1. Introduction to microwaves 2. Rectangular waveguide 3.Solutions of Wave equations in Rectangular Waveguide 4. TE modes inRectangular Waveguides 5. Dominat and degenerate modes in awaveguide 6. TM modes in Rectangular Waveguides 7. Powertransmission in rectangular waveguides 8. Power losses inRectangular Waveguide 9. Excitation of modes in rectangularwaveguides 10. Circular waveguide and solutions of wave equationsfor circular waveguides 11. TE Modes in Circular Waveguides 12. TMmodes in Circular Waveguides 13. TEM modes in Circular Waveguide14. Power transmission in Circular waveguides 15. Power losses incircular Waveguide 16. Excitation of modes in Circular waveguides17. Microwave cavities 18. Rectangular Cavity Resonator 19.Circular Cavity Resonator 20. Semicircular cavity resonator 21. QFactor of a Cavity Resonator 22. Strip lines 23. Microstrip Lines24. Losses in microstrip lines 25. Q Factor of a microstrip line26. Parallel Strip Lines 27. Coplanar Strip Lines 28. Shieldedstrip lines 29. Scattering matrix and Hybrid microwave circuits 30.E-plane tee (series tee) 31. H-plane tee (shunt tee) 32. Magic Tee33. Hybrid Rings (Rat-Race Circuits) 34. Waveguide corners, bendsand twists 35. Directional coupler 36. Two hole directional coupler37. S-Matrix of a Directional Coupler 38. Hybrid couplers 39. Phaseshifter 40. Microwave Circulators 41. Microwave Isolators 42.Microwave terminations 43. Microwave attenuators 44. FaradayRotation in Ferrites 45. Limitations of conventional vacuum devicesat microwave frequency 46. Klystrons : introduction, two cavityklystron, velocity modulation, bunching process, output power andbeam loading 47. Reflex klystron 48. Magnetron oscillators 49.Linear magnetron 50. Coaxial magnetron 51. Voltage tunablemagnetron 52. Inverted Coaxial Magnetron 53. Frequency-AgileCoaxial Magnetron 54. Traveling wave tube 55. Backward waveoscillator 56. Microwave bipolar transistors 57. Microwave tunneldiode 58. Junction Field Effect Transistors (JFETs) 59. MetalSemiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MESFETs) 60. Gunn Effect andGunn Diode ( transferred electron effect ) 61. IMPATT Diodes 62.TRAPATT Diodes 63. Microwave test bench Each topic is complete withdiagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representationsfor better learning and quick understanding. Microwave Engineeringis part of electronics & electrical engineering educationcourses and technology degree programs of various universities.
Engineering Apps
* First year of Engineering Subject App for learning and quickrevision on Chemical Chemistry. * All the important topics likeType of Molecules, Electronegativity, Brag's Law, Acids and Polymercan be covered in just a minute per topic. This free App coversmost important topics in simple English and diagrams for a quickstudy and revisions at the time of Exams, Viva, Assignments and Jobinterviews. It is the most useful App for last minute preparations.The best app for school, college and work. If you are a student Itwill help to learn a lot. * This Engineering app contains all theChemistry related 90 topics in 5 chapter in very simple andinformative language with suitable diagrams which helps Engineeringstudents to score good marks in exams. Consider this App as a quicknote guide which professors use in a classroom. The App will helpin faster learning and quick revisions of all the topics. Some ofthe topics Covered in the app are: 1. Homonuclear DiatomicMolecules 2. Plots of molecular orbital 3. Electronicconfigurations 4. Energy level diagrams 5. Hybridization in LiF 6.Electronegativity 7. Hybridization in CO 8. Hybridization 9.Overlap diagrams of d-orbitals 10. Solid State Chemistry 11. cubicunit cell 12. Ionic lattices and Lattice Energies 13. X- raydiffractometers 14. Bragg’s Law 15. Miller Indices 16.Rationalizing Systematic Absences in Diffraction patterns 17. ThePhase Problem 18. Introduction to Band Structure 19. Bandstructures in insulators, metals and semiconductors 20. CellRepresentation and sign convention 21. The Nernst Equation 22. Freeenergy and EMF 23. Concentration cells 24. Measurement of pH 25.Batteries and fuel cells 26. The fuel cell 27. ElectrochemicalCorrosion 28. Electrolytic cells 29. Faraday’s laws of electrolysis30. The reaction rate and the rate constant 31. Order andMolecularity 32. Mathematical Formulation of First Order Reaction33. Third-order kinetics 34. Second-order kinetics 35.Determination of the order of a reaction 36. Reversible reactions37. The steady state 38. Phase rule 39. Inductive and ResonanceEffects 40. Acids and Bases 41. Bases and Nucleophiles 42.Resonance or Mesomerism 43. Resonance Effect or Mesomeric Effect44. Hyperconjugation 45. Aldol Addition & Condensation Reaction46. Cannizzaro Reaction 47. Beckmann Rearrangement 48. Diels-AlderReaction 49. E-Z Notation 50. Free Radical Mechanism 51.Classification of Reactions 52. Nucleophilic substitution 53.Optical isomerism 54. R-S System of Nomenclature 55. Chirality andSymmetry 56. The Conformation of Butane 57. Polymers 58. Types ofpolymerization 59. Chain growth mechanism 60. Step Growthpolymerisation 61. Plastics 62. Polyethene 63. Poly vinyl chloride(PVC) 64. Nylon 65. Fabrication of plastics 66. Polystyrene 67.Teflon 68. Conducting polymers 69. Natural rubber 70. Elastomers71. Fibers 72. Fuels 73. Calorific value 74. Calculation ofCalorific Value of a Solid Fuel – Bomb Calorimeter 75. Cracking ofPetroleum 76. Knocking in IC Engines 77. Power Alcohol andSynthetic Petrol 78. Acid-Base Titrations 79. Water 80. Estimationof hardness of water 81. Scale and Sludge formation 82. Priming andFoaming 83. Softening of water 84. Zeolite or Permutit process 85.Ion-exchange process 86. Bio Mass 87. Introduction to spectroscopy88. Some terms concerning UV 89. Applications of UV in analyticalchemistry 90. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (nmr) 91. Theory ofnuclear resonance Applies physical sciences (chemistry and physics)and life sciences ( biology, microbiology and biochemistry)together with mathematics and economics. It is essential to relatedfields such as nanotechnology, fuel cells and bioengineering.
Elements of Power Systems 7
Engineering Apps
This free App covers most important topics in simple English anddiagrams for a quick study and revisions at the time of Exams,Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the most useful App forlast minute preparations. The best app for school, college andwork. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot. This usefulApp lists 130 topics in 5 chapters, totally based on practical aswell as a strong base of theoretical knowledge with notes writtenin very simple and understandable English. Consider this App as aquick note guide which professors use in a classroom. The App willhelp in faster learning and quick revisions of all the topics. Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1. Single line Diagram ofPower system 2. Single line Diagram of Power system 3. Synchronousmachine 4. transformer 5. transmission line 6. Busbar 7. circuitbreaker and isolator 8. Different kinds of supply system and theircomparison 9. Introduction of Supply Systems 10. Two Wire D.C.System 11. Effect of High Voltage on Volume of Copper 12. Types ofTransmission 13. Two Wire D.C. System with One Line Earthed 14.Three Wire D.C. System 15. Three Phase Three Wire A.C. System 16.Three Phase Four Wire A.C. System 17. Two Wire D.C. System 18.Three Wire D.C. System 19. Requirements of a Good DistributionSystem 20. Radial Distribution System 21. Ring Main DistributionSystem 22. D.C. Three Wire System 23. Transmission Line Constants24. Types of Conductors 25. Skin Effect and Proximity Effect 26.Kelvin's Law 27. Modified Kelvin's Law 28. Transmission LineParameters : Introduction 29. inductance of a conductor 30.Inductance of a conductor due to the internal flux 31. Inductanceof a conductor due to External flux 32. Inductance of a SinglePhase Two Wire Line 33. Flux linkage of one conductor in a group34. Inductance of composite conduct lines 35. An Alternativeapproach for finding the expression for inductive reactance 36.Flux Linkages in parallel current carrying conductors 37.Inductance of three phase lines with equilateral and symmetricalspacing 38. Inductance of three phase line with unsymmetricalspacing 39. Inductance of three phase line with unsymmetricalspacing but transposed 40. inductance of three phase lines withmore than one circuit 41. Inductance of three phase double circuitwith symmetrical spacing 42. Inductance of three phase doblecircuit with unsymmetrical spacing but transposed 43. capacitanceof transmission line and Electrical field of a long straightconductor 44. Capacitance of Single Phase Line 45. PotentialDifference betweem two points due to a charge 46. Capacitance of a3ph Line With Equilateral Spacing 47. Capacitance of a three phaseline with unsymmetrical spacing 48. Effect of Earth on capacitanceof transmission line 49. Bundled conductor and Stranded Conductor50. Capacitance of three phase line with more than one circuit 51.capacitance of three phase double circuit with unsymmetricalspacing but transposed 52. Methods of Arrangement Conductors 53.Performance of transmission lines 54. Performance of Single PhaseShort Transmission Lines 55. Three phase short transmission line56. Effect of load P.F. on regulation and efficiency 57. MediumTransmission Lines 58. Nominal T Method 59. Nominal Method 60. Longtransmission lines 61. Rigorous method of analysis of longtransmission line 62. Generalised Circuit Constants of aTransmission Line 63. Evaluation of ABCD constants or Determinationof Generalized Constants for Transmission Lines 64. Surge ImpedanceLoading (SIL) 65. Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) of TransmissionLine 66. Power flow through a transmission line 67. Power throughShort Transmission Line - Equivalent circuit and Phasor diagram 68.Power system Stability 69. Ferranti Effect Power Systems is part ofelectrical engineering education courses and technology degreeprograms of various universities.
Structural Analysis 6.0
Engineering Apps
This free App covers most important topics in simple English anddiagrams for a quick study and revisions at the time of Exams,Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the most useful App forlast minute preparations. The best app for school, college andwork. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot. This usefulApp lists 90 topics in 5 chapters, totally based on practical aswell as a strong base of theoretical knowledge with notes writtenin very simple and understandable English. Consider this App as aquick note guide which professors use in a classroom. The App willhelp in faster learning and quick revisions of all the topics. Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1. Introduction & Units2. Forces in Mechanics of Materials 3. Concentrated Forces 4.Moment of a Concentrated Force 5. Distributed Forces - Force andMoment Resultants 6. Internal Forces and Stresses - StressResultants 7. Free Body Diagrams 8. Equilibrium - ConcentratedForces 9. Equilibrium - Distributed Forces 10. Equilibrium -Internal Forces and Stresses 11. Displacement and Strain 12.Hooke’s Law in One Dimension - Tension 13. Poisson’s Ratio 14.Hooke’s Law in one & Two Dimensions for Isotropic Materials 15.Thermal Strain 16. Fiber Reinforced Composite Laminates 17.Solutions from the Theory of Elasticity 18. Derivation and Solutionof the Governing Equations 19. The Statically Determinate Case 20.The Statically Indeterminate Case 21. Variable Cross Sections 22.Thermal Stress and Strain in an Axially Loaded Bar 23. ShearingStress in an Axially Loaded Bar 24. Analysis and Design of PinJointed Trusses 25. Work and Energy – Castigliano’s Second Theorem26. Summary and Conclusions 27. Nodes, Elements, Shape Functions,and the Element Stiffness Matrix 28. A General Method - DistributedApplied Loads 29. Analysis and Design of Pin-jointed Trusses 30.Torsional Displacement, Strain, and Stress 31. Derivation andSolution of the Governing Equations 32. Solutions from the Theoryof Elasticity 33. Torsional Stress in Thin Walled Cross Sections34. Torsional Stress and Stiffness in Multicell Sections 35.Torsional Stress and Displacement in ThinWalled Open Sections 36. AGeneral (Finite Element) Method 37. Continuously Variable CrossSections 38. Area Properties - Sign Conventions 39. Derivation andSolution of the Governing Equations 40. The Statically DeterminateCase 41. Work and Energy - Castigliano’s Second Theorem 42. TheStatically Indeterminate Case 43. The Governing Equations in TwoDimensions - Plane Stress 44. Solutions from the Theory ofElasticity 45. Variable Cross Sections 46. Shear Stress inNonRectangular Cross Sections - Thin Walled Cross Sections 47.Design of Beams 48. Large Displacements 49. Nodes, Elements, ShapeFunctions, and the Element Stiffness Matrix 50. The GlobalEquations and their Solution 51. Distributed Loads in FEM 52.Summary and conclusions 53. Transformation of Stress in TwoDimensions 54. Principal Axes and Principal Stresses in TwoDimensions 55. Transformation of Strain in Two Dimensions 56.Strain Rosettes 57. Stress Transformation and Principal Stresses inThree Dimensions 58. Allowable and Ultimate Stress, and Factors ofSafety 59. Fatigue 60. Orthotropic Materials - Composites 61.Review and Summary of Slender Bar Equations 62. Torsional Loading63. Bending in One Plane 64. Bending in Two Planes-When Iyz isEqual to Zero 65. Bending in Two Planes-When Iyz is Not Equal toZero 66. Introduction 67. Bending and Torsion in Thin Walled OpenSections - Shear Center 68. Bending and Torsion in Thin WalledClosed Sections - Shear Center 69. Stiffened ThinWalled Beams 70.Introduction to the Principle of Virtual Work 71. Static Analysisof Slender Bars by Virtual Work 72. Static Analysis of 3D and 2DSolids by Virtual Work Structural Analysis & control is part ofCivil & Environmental engineering education courses andtechnology degree programs of various universities.
Earthquake Resistant Design 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Earthquake Resistant Designwhich covers important topics, notes, materials & news on thecourse. Download the App as a reference material & digital bookfor Civil & Environmental engineering programs & degreecourses. Earthquake Resistant Design useful App lists 100 topicswith detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & coursematerial, the topics are listed in 5 chapters. The app is must havefor all the engineering science students & professionals. Theapp provides quick revision and reference to the important topicslike a detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy & useful forthe student or a professional to cover the course syllabus quicklyjust before an exams or job interviews. Also get the hottestinternational engineering & technology news on your app poweredby Google news feeds. We have customised it so that you get regularupdates on subject from international/national colleges,universities, research, industry, applications, engineering, tech,articles & innovation. This is the best application to remainupdated on your fav. subject. Use this useful engineering app asyour education tool, utility, tutorial, book, a reference guide forsyllabus and explore study course material, aptitude tests &project work. Track your learning, set reminders, edit, addfavourite topics, share the topics on social media. Some of thetopics Covered in the app are: 1. Seismology 2. Introduction toearthquakes 3. Theory of vibration 4. conceptual design ofbuildings 5. Conceptual design of buildings 6. Natural Frequency 7.Viscous Damped Free Vibration 8. Harmonic Vibration 9. Horizontaland Vertical Members 10. Twisting of Building 11. Introduction toEarthquakes resistant design 12. Seismic design requirements 13.Seismic load effects 14. Introduction to Reinforced concreteBuilding 15. Structure frame for building 16. Design of lateralforces 17. Introduction to Masonary Buildings 18. Behaviour ofMasonry walls 19. Nonstructural Elements 20. Structural walls 21.Failure of Non Structures 22. Introduction to Ductility 23.Requirements of Ductility 24. Factors affecting Ductility Eachtopic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms ofgraphical representations for better learning and quickunderstanding.  Earthquake Resistant Design is part ofMechanics and Design of Concrete Structures in Civil &environmental engineering education courses and technology degreeprograms at various universities. 
Transportation Engineering 7
Engineering Apps
Transportation engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineeringwhich deals with the application of technology and scientificprinciples to the planning, functional design, operation andmanagement of facilities for any mode of transportation in order toprovide the safe, rapid, comfortable, convenient, economical, andenvironmentally compatible movement of people and goods(transport). This inventory or database must include informationon: * Population * Land use * Transportation facilities andservices * Economic activity * Travel patterns and volumes *Regional financial resources * Community values and expectations *Laws and ordinances Transport Engineering Cover 5 main factorswhich are these 1 Highway engineering 2 Railroad engineering 3 Portand harbor engineering 4 Airport engineering 5 Pipeline EngineeringThis is the best application to remain updated on your fav.subject. Use this useful engineering app as your education tool,utility, tutorial, book, a reference guide for syllabus and explorestudy course material, aptitude tests & project work. Trackyour learning, set reminders, edit, add favourite topics, share thetopics on social media. Some of topics Covered in this applicationare: 1. Buckling of a Column 2. The Finite Element Method forBending and Buckling 3. Axial Vibration of a Slender Bar 4.Torsional Vibration 5. Vibration of Beams in Bending 6. Addition ofDamping 7. Introduction 8. Station Layout 9. The Definition ofRailway Rolling Stock 10. The Evolution of Steam Motive Power 11.The Advent of Electric Traction 12. Evolution of Wheel Layout 13.Carbody Structures 14. Train Performance Issues on Metros and LightRail 15. Manufacturing Methods 16. Proper Maintenance of RollingStock 17. Maintenance Management 18. The Needs of the Maintainer19. Sleeper Functions 20. Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (Monobloc)21. Track: The Origin and Development of Railway Track 22. TrackBallast 23. Rail Fastenings, Baseplates and Pads 24. Rails 25. TheIntroduction of Track Welding 26. Site Welding to Produce CWR 27.Crossing Design and Manufacture 28. Driving, Locking and Detectionof Points 29. Paved Concrete Track 30. Earthworks, Drainage andFencing: Stability of Earthworks 31. Detection of Movement ofEarthworks 32. Drainage of the Trackbed 33. Side or – Cess Drains34. Railway Fencing 35. Bridges and Structures: Early RailwayStructures and Materials 36. Reinforced Concrete Structures 37.Prestressed Concrete 38. Brick and Masonry Structures 39.Structural Maintenance 40. Tunnels and Tunnelling: The History ofTunnelling 41. Construction Methods 42. Tunnel Linings 43.Electrification: Electricity as a Form of Motive Power 44. The ACSystem Connection of Supply 45. DC Low Voltage Systems 46. TheEffects of Electrification 47. The Early History of RailwaySignalling 48. Track Circuits 49. Minimum Headways 50. SubsidiarySignals 51. Transmission Based Signalling 52. Protection AgainstTrains Passing Signals at Danger 53. Systems and Communications 54.Human Processes 55. Interface Between Operation and Engineering 56.The Railway Systems Pyramid 57. The Public Address and InformationSystems 58. Telephones and Radio 59. Closed Circuit Television(CCTV) 60. Vertical Transportation 61. Passenger Flow to and fromEscalators and Lifts 62. Types of Escalators 63. Compact TypeEscalators 64. Draught Relief 65. Types of Modern Lift 66.Inspection and Maintenance 67. Pumps 68. Ventilation a Problem onRailways 69. Movement of Air Each topic is complete with diagrams,equations and other forms of graphical representations for betterlearning and quick understanding. Transportation Engineering ispart of engineering education courses and technology degreeprograms of various universities.
Operating System - OS 6.0
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Operating System whichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs on thecourse. Download the App as a reference material & digital bookfor  computer science engineering & software engineeringprograms & tech degree courses.  This useful mobile Applists 125 topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas& course material, the topics are listed in 5 chapters. The appis must have for all the engineering science students &professionals.  The app provides quick revision and referenceto the important topics like a detailed flash card notes, it makesit easy & useful for the student or a professional to cover thecourse syllabus quickly before an exams or interview forjobs.  Track your learning, set reminders, edit the studymaterial, add favorite topics, share the topics on socialmedia.  You can also blog about engineering technology,innovation, engineering startups,  college research work,institute updates, Informative links on course materials &education programs from your smartphone or tablet or at  Use this useful engineeringapplication as your tutorial, digital book, a reference guide forsyllabus, course material, project work, sharing your views on theblog.  Some of the topics Covered in the app are: 1. Overviewof computer operating systems 2. Computer System Organization 3.Operating System Structure 4. Distributed system 5. OperatingSystem services 6. System Calls 7. System Programs 8. OperatingSystem Generation 9. Operating-System Services 10. Operating-SystemInterface 11. Process Management 12. Process Control Block 13.Schedulers 14. Context switch 15. Operations on Processes 16.Interprocess Communication 17. Sockets 18. Remote Procedure Calls19. Remote method invocation 20. Threads 21. Scheduling Criteria22. Scheduling Algorithms 23. Multithreading Models 24. ThreadLibraries 25. Threading Issues 26. CPU scheduling 27.Multiple-Processor Scheduling 28. Symmetric Multithreading 29.Thread Scheduling 30. Solaris Scheduling 31. Windows XP Scheduling32. Linux Scheduling 33. Algorithm Evaluation 34. ProcessSynchronization 35. The Critical Section Problem 36.Synchronization Hardware 37. Semaphores 38. Classic problems ofsynchronization 39. Monitors 40. Atomic Transactions 41. Deadlocks42. Deadlock Characterization 43. Methods for handling deadlocks44. Deadlock Prevention 45. Deadlock Avoidance 46. Banker’salgorithm 47. Deadlock Detection 48. Recovery from Deadlock 49.Memory Management Strategies 50. Address Binding 51. Logical versusPhysical Address Space 52. Dynamic Linking and Loading 53. Swapping54. Contiguous Memory Allocation 55. Fragmentation 56. Paging 57.Hardware Support in paging 58. Shared Pages 59. Segmentation 60.Virtual memory 61. System libraries 62. Demand Paging 63.Copy-on-Write 64. Page Replacement 65. FIFO Page Replacement 66.Optimal Page Replacement 67. LRU Page Replacement 68. EnhancedSecond-Chance Algorithm 69. Allocation of Frames 70. Thrashing 71.Working-Set Model 72. Page-Fault Frequency 73. Memory-Mapped Files74. Shared Memory in the Win32 API 75. Allocating Kernel Memory 76.Slab Allocation 77. File Concept 78. File Operations 79. File Types80. Directory Structure 81. Directory 82. File System Mounting 83.File System Structure 84. File System Implementation 85. DirectoryImplementation 86. Free Space Management 87. Recovery 88.Log-Structured File Systems 89. Network file systems 90. Networkfile systems protocol 91. Magnetic Disks 92. Disk Structure 93.Disk Attachment 94. Disk Scheduling 95. Disk Management Each topicis complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphicalrepresentations for better learning and quick understanding. Operating System is part of computer science engineering &software education courses and information technology degreeprograms at various universities. 
Environmental Engineering 2 5.5
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Environmental Engineeringbasics which covers important topics, notes, materials & newson the course. Download the App as a reference material &digital book for Civil & environmental engineering programs& degree courses. This useful App lists 41 topics with detailednotes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, thetopics are listed in 5 chapters. The app is must have for all theengineering science students & professionals. The app providesquick revision and reference to the important topics like adetailed flash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for thestudent or a professional to cover the course syllabus quickly justbefore an exams or job interviews. Also get the hottestinternational engineering & technology news on your app poweredby Google news feeds. We have customised it so that you get regularupdates on subject from international/national colleges,universities, research, industry, applications, engineering, tech,articles & innovation. This is the best application to remainupdated on your fav. subject. Use this useful engineering app asyour education tool, utility, tutorial, book, a reference guide forsyllabus and explore study course material, aptitude tests &project work. Track your learning, set reminders, edit, addfavourite topics, share the topics on social media. Some of thetopics Covered in the app are: 1. Introduction to waste water 2.Water borne diseases 3. Objectives of waste water treatment andimportant terms 4. Waste water characteristics 5. Unit operationsand Processes 6. Flow sheets 7. Settling 8. Settling tank 9.Properties of Colloids 10. Electric Double layer 11. Flocculation12. Jar Test 13. Screening 14. Grit Chambers 15. Design offlocculators and clarifocculators 16. Coagulants and Flocculants17. Filtration 18. Types of Filters 19. Hydraulics of Filtration20. Backwashing 21. Construction of a Filter 22. Disinfection 23.Methods of Disinfection 24. Chlorination 25. Water Softening 26.Adsorption 27. Theory of organic matter removal 28. ActivatedSludge Process 29. Trickling filter 30. Aeration system 31. WasteStabilization ponds 32. Oxidation Ditches 33. Rotating BiologicalContractors 34. Anaerobic Digestion of sludge 35. High ratedigester and low rate digester tanks 36. Design criteria for septictanks 37. Anaerobic contact process 38. Upflow anaerobic sludgeblanket 39. Anaerobic filters 40. fluidized bed reactors 41.Disposal of waste water on land and water bodies 42. Duckweed Pond43. Vermiculture technology 44. Root Zone Technology 45. Othertechnology for waste water treatment Each topic is complete withdiagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representationsfor better learning and quick understanding. Civil andEnvironmental Engineering is part of engineering education coursesand technology degree programs of various universities.
Telemetry & Data Transmission 5.6
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Telemetry & DataTransmission which covers important topics, notes, materials& global news on the course. Download the App as a referencematerial & digital book for Satellite communications,Aeronautics and Astronautics, electrical, electronics &communications engineering programs & degree courses. This useful App lists 22 topics with detailed notes, diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in4 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineering sciencestudents & professionals. The app provides quick revision andreference to the important topics like a detailed flash card notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student or a professional tocover the course syllabus quickly just before an exams or jobinterviews. Also get the hottest international engineering &technology news on your app powered by Google news feeds. We havecustomised it so that you get regular updates on subject frominternational/national colleges, universities, research, industry,applications, engineering, tech, articles & innovation. This isthe best application to remain updated on your fav. subject. Usethis useful engineering app as your education tool, utility,tutorial, book, a reference guide for syllabus and explore studycourse material, aptitude tests & project work. Track yourlearning, set reminders, edit, add favourite topics, share thetopics on social media. Some of the topics Covered in the app are:1. Introduction to Sampling Theorem 2. Sampling process 3.Convolution 4. Aliasing Error 5. Review of PCM 6. DPCM 7. Methodsof binary data transmission 8. DM Code Converters 9. PSK 10. QPSK11. FSK 12. Probability of Error 13. Phase ambiguity resolution 14.Differential encoding 15. Block schematic of Data Handling System16. Sensors 17. Multiplexing 18. High Level Multiplexing 19. RS-42220. RS 232C interfaces 21. Bit Synchronizers 22. Frame SynchronizeEach topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms ofgraphical representations for better learning and quickunderstanding.  Telemetry & Data Transmission is part ofSatellite communications, aeronautics, astronautics, electrical,electronics & communications engineering education courses andtechnology degree programs at various universities. 
Professional Communication 6.0
Engineering Apps
Professional Communication Apps course, lecture, notes & booksfor students. A techie, expert in field, but poor incommunications, well learn here with your communication guide, Thewriting that wins you people, Business proposals, Technical writing& report writing. Free handbook on learning ProfessionalCommunication at workplace & office, It will help the techiesget a promotion, succeed in interviews, win sales, win clients andbecome an effective software professional. The App covers 36 topicsof Professional Communication in detail divided in 3 units. Thetopics Covered in this application are: 1. Communication 2. Meaningof General Communication 3. Features of Technical Writing /Professional Communication 4. Features of General Writing 5.Language as a Tool of Communication 6. The Process of Communication7. Types of Communication 8. Distinction between General &Technical Communication 9. Directions of Communication 10. Need forand Importance of Communication 11. Types of TechnicalCommunication-1 12. History of Development of Technical Education13. The Flow of Communication 14. Barriers to EffectiveCommunication 15. Articles 16. Verb- Phrases 17. Compound Words 18.Synonyms 19. Antonyms 20. Homophones 21. General Writing 22. Unityof a Sentence 23. Paragraph Writing for Technical purpose 24.Dissertation/Thesis/scientific Article/Technical Paper 25. Planningthe Thesis/Dissertation 26. Technical Essays: Should India GoNuclear 27. Essays: Solar Energy 28. Proposal Writing 29. Parts ofLetter 30. Business Correspondence 31. Business Correspondence :Circumference 32. Resume, Memo, Press Release Writing 33. CardinalCharacteristics of a Report 34. Report 35. Kinds of Reports 36.Space Flight IMPORTANT LINKS Feedback: Share your feedback Social links Facebook : Twitter : The App is for all theengineers, software programmers, computer and IT professionals whoare working in IT/Tech companies, startups, freelancing or intendto work in the field of computers and feel the need forstrengthening professionals communication. Wish you a very happylearning.
Software Project Management 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Software Project Managementwhich covers important topics, notes, materials & news on thecourse. Download the App as a reference material & digital bookfor IT, engineering programs & software degree courses. Thisuseful App lists 42 topics with detailed notes, diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in3 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineering sciencestudents & professionals. The app provides quick revision andreference to the important topics like a detailed flash card notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student or a professional tocover the course syllabus quickly just before an exams or jobinterviews. Also get the hottest international engineering &technology news on your app powered by Google news feeds. We havecustomised it so that you get regular updates on subject frominternational/national colleges, universities, research, industry,applications, engineering, tech, articles & innovation. This isthe best application to remain updated on your fav. subject. Usethis useful engineering app as your education tool, utility,tutorial, book, a reference guide for syllabus and explore studycourse material, aptitude tests & project work. Track yourlearning, set reminders, edit, add favourite topics, share thetopics on social media. Some of the topics Covered in the app are:1) Project 2) Success of a project 3) Conventional SoftwareManagement 4) Iterative Model 5) Conventional Software ManagementPerformance 6) Software Economics 7) Improving Software Economics8) Reducing-software-product-size 9) Improving Software Processes10) Improving Automation Through Software Environment 11) SoftwareProject Planning 12) Software Quality Management 13) Principles ofconventional Software Engineering 14) Life Cycle Phases 15) TheArtifacts set 16) Implementation set versus Deployment set 17) TestArtifacts 18) Engineering Artifacts 19) Management Artifacts 20)Checkpoints of the Process 21) Major Milestones 22) MinorMilestones 23) Periodic Status Assessment 24) Evolutionary WorkBreakdown Structure 25) Planning Guidelines 26) The Cost AndSchedule Estimate Process 27) Iterative Process Planning 28)Project Organization and Responsibilities 29) Software EngineeringProcess Authority 30) Project Organizations 31) Software managementteam 32) Software Architecture Team 33) Software Development Team34) Evolution of organizations 35) Levels of a process 36) RoundTrip Engineering 37) Project Control and Process Instrumentation38) Process Discriminants 39) Model-Based Software Architectures40) Architecture: A Technical Perspective 41) Workflows of theProcess 42) Iterative workflows Each topic is complete withdiagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representationsfor better learning and quick understanding. Software ProjectManagement is part of computer science, software engineeringeducation courses and information technology degree programs ofvarious universities.
Engineering News & updates 3.1
Engineering Apps
Get the latest news on engineering and science. Get to know what'shappening in the field of STEM - Science technology engineering andmathematics. Get to know what's new with universities, colleges,awards, discoveries, events, engineering, science, study, research,hackathons,startups, career choices and more. The app is acollection of google news feeds for engineering students, facultyand professionals and will help them keeping them aware what'shappening in their field of interest. The news is collected fromvarious sources like universities,colleges, company's, latesthappening,research & developments on the particular field. Thenews is collected for all the below mentioned fields ofengineering: 1. Electrical Engineering 2. Electronics Engineering3. Civil Engineering 4. Computer Science Engineering 5. AutomobileEngineering 6. Power Plant Engineering 7. Artificial Intelligence8. Environmental Engineering 9. Mechatronics Engineering 10.Software Engineering 11. Network Engineering 12. VLSI 13. DigitalCommunication 14. Chemical Engineering 15. Engineering Physics Keepexploring.
Concrete Structures 5.4
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Design of concretestructures which covers important topics, notes, materials, news& blogs on the course. Download the App as a reference material& digital book for Civil engineering programs & degreecourses. This useful App lists 70 topics with detailed notes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics arelisted in 5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineeringscience students & professionals. The app provides quickrevision and reference to the important topics like a detailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for the student ora professional to cover the course syllabus quickly before an examsor interview for jobs. Track your learning, set reminders, edit thestudy material, add favorite topics, share the topics on socialmedia. Blog about engineering technology, innovation, engineeringstartups, college research work, institute updates, Informativelinks on course materials & education programs from yoursmartphone or tablet or at Usethis useful engineering app as your tutorial, digital book, areference guide for syllabus, course material, project work,sharing your views on the blog. Some of the topics Covered in theapp are: 1. Introduction of design of Concrete Structures 2.EXPLANATION OF SOME DURABILITY CONCEPTS 3. GENERAL 4. BASICFORMULATION OF DURABILITY DESIGN 5. DESIGN WITH PERFORMANCEPRINCIPLE WHEN R AND S ARE NORMALLY DISTRIBUTED 6. DURABILITYDESIGN WITH LOG-NORMAL SERVICE LIFE DISTRIBUTION 7. THE MEANING OFLIFETIME SAFETY FACTOR 8. LIFETIME SAFETY FACTORS AS DETERMINED BYSTOCHASTIC METHODS 9. DETERMINATION OF LIFETIME SAFETY FACTORS FORSTRUCTURAL DURABILITY DESIGN 10. Determination of lifetime safetyfactors by the separated safety principle 11. FORMULATION OFLOAD-BEARING CAPACITY WITH TIME 12. Column 13. Beam 14. PROPOSEDPROCEDURES FOR STRUCTURAL DURABILITY DESIGN 15. Durability design16. Final design 17. TYPES OF DURABILITY MODELS 18. Durabilitymodels for some degradation processes 19. ABRASION OF CONCRETE BYICE 20. CORROSION OF REINFORCEMENT 21. Initiation time of corrosion22. Propagation period 23. DURABILITY DESIGN IN THIS DESIGN GUIDE24. Introduction to various Design Philosophies 25. Introduction tovarious Design Philosophies 26. Design of Rectangular Singly andDoubly Reinforced Sections by Working Stress Method 27. Assumptionsin Limit State Theory 28. Assumptions in Limit State Design Method29. Design of Rectangular singly beam by limit state method 30.Numericals on Singly Reinforced beam by LSD 31. Design ofRectangular Doubly beam by Limit state method 32. Numericals onDoubly reinforced beam 33. Design of T and L beams 34. IS codespecifications for designing 35. Four different cases for designingT and L beams 36. Numericals on T and L beams 37. Concrete makingmaterials 38. Properties of concrete 39. Mix design 40. Testing ofConcrete 41. Behaviour of RC beams in shear 42. Design of beams inshear 43. Minimum and Maximum shear reinforcements 44. Curtailmentof tension reinforcements 45. Numericals on Shear reinforcement 46.Introduction to Development length 47. Anchoring reinforcing bars48. Flexure Bond 49. Design for combined bending, shear and torsion50. Requirement of Reinforcement in combined bending, shear andtorsion 51. Numerical on combined effect of bending , shear andtorsion 52. Introduction to columns 53. Reinforcement detailing inColumns 54. Assumptions in the design of columns Each topic iscomplete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphicalrepresentations for better learning and quick understanding. Designof concrete structures is part of Civil engineering educationcourses and technology degree programs of various universities.
Digital Image Processing 7
Engineering Apps
Complete Free handbook of Digital Image Processing with diagramsand graphs. App covers notes on Digital Image Processing. The bestapp in Engineering Education also brings the blog where you cancontribute your work and get the research, industry, universityNews on the subject. Digital Image Processing application serves toboth engineering students and professionals. It provides quickrevision and reference to the topics like a detailed flash card.Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms ofgraphical representations for easy understanding. It covers morethan 120 topics of Digital image processing. The topics are dividedin 7 units. Some of topics Covered in this application are: 1.Global properties using B-rep model 2. Compression fundamentals 3.Lossless data compression 4. Image restoration 5. Linear positioninvariant degradation models 6. Elements of visual perception 7.Color perception 8. Image sampling and quantization 9. Basicrelationship between pixels 10. Basic geometric transformations 11.Introduction to Fourier transform and DFT 12. Fast Fouriertransform 13. Properties of two dimensional Fourier transform 14.Separable image transforms 15. Walsh, Hadamard, discrete cosine,Haar and Slant transforms 16. Spatial domain methods 17. Grey scalemanipulation and histogram equalization 18. Image subtraction andImage averaging 19. Spatial filtering on images 20. Smoothingfilters on images 21. Sharpening filters on images 22. Derivativefilters on images 23. Laplacian filters on images 24. Frequencydomain 25. Homomorphic filtering 26. Image restoration process 27.Model of image degradation 28. Noise models 29. Characteristics ofthe noise models 30. Order-Statistics Filters 31. Adaptive filters- Digital Image Processing 32. Least-Mean-Square (LMS) Algorithm33. Blind Image Restoration and Recognition 34. Pseudo-InverseFiltering 35. Singular value decomposition 36. Lossless compression37. Lossy compression 38. Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) Compression 39.Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) decompression 40. Bit plane coding 41.Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) 42. Image representation43. Transform Coding 44. Wavelet Image Coding 45. JPEG Compression46. MPEG Compression 47. Basics of Vector quantization 48. ImageSegmentation 49. Edge Detection 50. Image thresholding 51. Regionbased segmentation 52. Boundary Representation Models 53. Datastructure of boundary representation models 54. Vertex-basedboundary model 55. Face-based boundary models 56. Graphrepresentation 57. Validity of boundary models 58. Faceted modelersfor some B-rep systems 59. Two-and-half dimensional drawing 60.Advantage and disadvantage of boundary representation 61. Polygonalapproximation 62. Algorithm for closed contours 63. Solution forclosed contours 64. Heuristic algorithms 65. Multiple-objectpolygonal approximation 66. Optimal algorithms for min-# problem67. Iterative reduced search 68. Boundary Descriptors 69. RadialDistance Measures 70. Linear Discriminant Analysis 71. Reducedsearch algorithm 72. The Hough transform 73. Edge detectiontechniques 74. Laplacian of Gaussian 75. Canny - Edge DetectionAlgorithm 76. Fundamentals of color 77. The RGB Color Model 78.Additive vs. Subtractive Color Models 79. Interactive Specificationof Color 80. Colour Image Processing 81. CIE primaries 82. The HSIModel 83. The YIQ Model 84. Transferring Color to Greyscale Images85. Basics of Full-Colour Image Processing 86. Colour Slicing 87.Tone and Colour Corrections 88. Intensity slicing 89. Intensity tocolor transformation 90. Morphological Image Processing 91.Dilating an Image 92. Structuring Elements 93. Structuring ElementDecomposition All topics are not listed because of characterlimitations set by the Play Store.
Engineering Physics 6.0
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Engineering Physics whichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs on thecourse. This useful App lists 60 topics with detailed notes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics arelisted in 4 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineeringscience students & professionals. This app provides quickrevision and reference to the important topics like a detailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for the student ora professional to cover the course syllabus quickly before an examsor interview for jobs. Each topic is complete with diagrams,equations and other forms of graphical representations for betterlearning and quick understanding. Some of the topics Covered in theapp are: 1. Introduction to wave mechanics 2. de-Broglie matterwaves 3. THE SCHRIODINGER EQUATION 4. Wave-Particle Duality 5.Phase and group velocity 6. Davisson-Germer Experiment 7. Physicalsignificance of wave function 8. Particle in a 1D-box 9. Principlesof X-ray Diffraction 10. Braggs spectrometer 11. Compton Effect 12.Experimental verification: Compton Effect 13. Ultrasonic Production14. Piezoelectric effect 15. Piezoelectric generator 16. Detectionof Ultrasonic Waves 17. Acousing Grating 18. application ofultrasonics 19. Ultrasonic Cleaning applications 20. DielectricConstant 21. Motion in a Magnetic Field 22. Dielectric constant andpolarizability 23. Sources of polarizability 24. Piezoelectricity25. Ferroelectricity 26. Dielectric Loss 27. Langevins theory fordiamagnetic material 28. Langevins Theory of Paramagnetism 29.Magnetic Field 30. The Lorentz Force 31. Motion in a crossedelectric and magnetic fields 32. Force on a Current CarryingConductor 33. Torque on a Current Loop in a Uniform Magnetic Field34. Potential Energy of a Magnetic Dipole 35. Biot- Savarts' Law36. Amperes Law 37. Vector Potential 38. Electromagnetic Induction39. Motional Emf 40. Time Varying Field 41. Mutual Inductance 42.Self Inductance 43. Magnetism in Matter 44. Ferromagnets 45.Diamagnetism:Displacement Current 46. Maxwell's Equations 47.Electromagnetic Waves 48. Generation of Electromagnetic Waves 49.Poynting Vector 50. Introduction: Evidence of a Phase Transition51. Meissner effect 52. The magnetic properties of superconductors53. Type I and Type II Superconductors 54. Mechanism ofsuperconductivity 55. BCS theory and Cooper pairs 56. High Tcsuperconductors 57. Applications of superconductors 58. TheImportance of Nanoscale 59. Buckyballs 60. Ongoing Research andDevelopment Activities 61. Applications of nanotechnology The appprovides quick revision and reference to the important topics likea detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for thestudent or a professional to cover the course syllabus quicklybefore an exams or interview for jobs. Track your learning, setreminders, edit the study material, add favorite topics, share thetopics on social media. Use this useful engineering app as yourtutorial, digital book, a reference guide for syllabus, coursematerial, project work, sharing your views on the blog. You canalso blog about engineering technology, innovation, engineeringstartups, college research work, institute updates, Informativelinks on course materials & education programs from yoursmartphone or tablet or at
Network Management & Security 6.2
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Network Management &Security which covers important topics, notes, materials & newson the course. Download the App as a reference material &digital book for Cloud Computing, security, computer scienceengineering, networking, software and communications, softwareengineering programs & degree courses. Network Management &Security useful App lists 140 topics with detailed notes, diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineering sciencestudents & professionals. The app provides quick revision andreference to the important topics like a detailed flash card notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student or a professional tocover the course syllabus quickly just before an exams or jobinterviews. Also get the hottest international engineering &technology news on your app powered by Google news feeds. We havecustomised it so that you get regular updates on subject frominternational/national colleges, universities, research, industry,applications, engineering, tech, articles & innovation. NetworkManagement & Security is the best application to remain updatedon your fav. subject. Use this useful engineering app as youreducation tool, utility, tutorial, book, a reference guide forsyllabus and explore study course material, aptitude tests &project work. Track your learning, set reminders, edit, addfavourite topics, share the topics on social media. Some of thetopics Covered in this application are: 1. Introduction to Networksecurity 2. Security attacks 3. Active and Passive attacks 4.Security Services 5. Security Mechanisms 6. A Model OfInter-Network Security 7. Internet Standards 8. Internet Standardsand RFC’S 9. Buffer Overflow 10. Format String Vulnerability 11.Session Hijacking 12. UDP Session Hijacking 13. Route TableModification 14. Address resolution protocol attacks 15.Man-in-the-middle attack 16. Conventional Encryption principles 17.Cryptography 18. Cryptanalysis 19. Substitution EncryptionTechniques 20. Playfair Ciphers 21. Hill Cipher 22. PolyalphabeticCiphers 23. Pigpen Cipher 24. Transposition techniques 25. FeistelCipher Structure 26. Feistel Cipher Decryption 27. ConventionalEncryption Algorithms 28. S-DES key generation 29. S-DES Encryption30. Data Encryption Standard 31. Single round of DES algorithm 32.Triple Data Encryption Standard 33. International Data EncryptionStandard 34. Blowfish Algorithm 35. Blowfish Encryption Decryption36. Advanced encryption standard 37. S-AES Encryption andDecryption 38. S-AES key expansion 39. The AES Cipher 40.Substitute Bytes Transformation 41. ShiftRows Transformation 42.MixColumns Transformation 43. AddRoundKey Transformation 44. AESKey Expansion 45. AES Decryption 46. Cipher Block modes ofOperation 47. Cipher Block modes of Operation 48. Cipher BlockChaining Mode 49. Cipher Feed Back Mode 50. Output Feedback Mode51. Counter Mode 52. Message authentication 53. MessageAuthentication Code 54. Message Authentication Code Based on DES55. Hash function 56. MD5 Message Digest Algorithm 57. MD5Compression Function 58. Secure Hash Algorithm 59. RIPEMD-160 60.HMAC 61. Public-key Cryptography 62. Attack on Public-keyCryptography 63. Applications for public-key cryptosystems 64. RSAalgorithm 65. Fermat's and Euler's theorem 66. Security of RSA 67.Key Management 68. Public-key authority 69. Public-key certificates70. Public Key Distribution of Secret Keys Each topic is completewith diagrams, equations and other forms of graphicalrepresentations for better learning and quick understanding. Network Management & Security is part of Cloud computingsecurity, computer science engineering, networking, software andcommunications, software engineering programs education courses andinformation technology degree programs at variousuniversities. 
Electrical Energy utilisation 7
Engineering Apps
Engineering apps allow you to study engineering for free ElectricalEnergy utilisation - Free handbook of Electrical Energy utilisationcovers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs on thecourse. Download the App as a reference material & digital bookfor electrical engineering programs & degree courses.Electrical Energy utilisation App covers details on powerdistribution & energy storage, electric drives, electricalheating, illumination & electric traction. - Lists 100 usefultopics: for free with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas& the course material applicable for you irrespective ofschool, college or university. Electrical Energy utilisation -Learn from packed information and explanations on various topics.Pick any topic at anytime, start from anywhere you like. - Quickrevision and reference: The new UI makes it easy & useful forthe student or a professional to cover the course syllabus quicklybefore an exams or interview for jobs. - Track your learning: Knowwhat you have read, set reminders, add a favorite, share the topicson social media and keep coming back for a quick glance. - Edit thestudy material: Add what’s missing, what’s needed and help thefellow students, professionals in better learning. - Write &Blog Electrical Energy utilisation: about engineering technology,innovation, engineering startups, college research work, instituteupdates, your own work, Informative links on course materials &education programs from your smartphone or tablet or at - Invite people to blog &write about the trending topics, important syllabus & coursematerial. - Use this useful free engineering app as your tutorial,digital book, Lecture notes, a reference guide for syllabus, coursematerial, project work, sharing your views on the blog. - Must havefor all the Science, technology, engineering and mathematicsstudents & professionals. Engineering apps have together over 4million downloads and it makes it one of the most used apps inengineering by students and professionals. Engineering apps cover126 subjects & apps from Civil, electrical, mechanical,computers, machine learning, electronics & telecommunicationsengineering.
Structural Design: Engineering 5.4
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Structural Design withdiagrams and graphs. It is part of Civil engineering educationwhich brings important topics, notes, news & blog on thesubject. The App serves as a quick reference guide on this civilengineering subject. It covers More than 30 topics of AdvancedStructural Design in detail. The topics are divided in 4 units.This App is classroom notes which cover the subject for StructuralDesign. The objective of the App is to bring faster learning andquick revision of the topics. Some of the topics Covered in thisapplication are: 1. Introduction to various stiffness 2. MemberStiffness Matrix 3. Direct stiffness method 4. CoordinatesTransformation 5. Member stiffness matrix in global coordinatesystem 6. Assembly of Structure stiffness matrix 7. Calculation ofMember forces 8. Example of Stiffness method 9. Temperature effectin stiffness matrix 10. Flexibility matrix 11. Numerical onFlexibility method 12. Beam Stiffness Matrix 13. Example ofstiffness method on truss 14. Geometric Nonlinearity 15.Introduction to finite element method 16. Energy calculations 17.Finite element interpolation 18. Some finite elements 19.Formulation for plane stress and plane strain 20. High ordertriangulation element 21. Examples 22. Material Nonlinearities 23.Discretization of Structures 24. Numerical Integration 25.Numerical Examples 26. Introduction to special computer packagesfor FEM 27. Structure of a finite element analysis program 28. Preand Post processors 29. Desirable features of a FEA program 30.Algorithm for structural members 31. Design of Computer programusing Algorithms 32. Band matrices All topics are not listedbecause of character limitations set by the Play Store.
Manufacturing engineering 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Manufacturing engineeringwhich covers important topics, notes, materials & news on thecourse. Download the App as a reference material & digital bookfor Mechanical engineering programs & degree courses. Thisuseful App lists 162 topics with detailed notes, diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineering sciencestudents & professionals. The app provides quick revision andreference to the important topics like a detailed flash card notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student or a professional tocover the course syllabus quickly just before an exams or jobinterviews. Also get the hottest international engineering &technology news on your app powered by Google news feeds. We havecustomised it so that you get regular updates on subject frominternational/national colleges, universities, research, industry,applications, engineering, tech, articles & innovation. This isthe best application to remain updated on your fav. subject. Usethis useful engineering app as your education tool, utility,tutorial, book, a reference guide for syllabus and explore studycourse material, aptitude tests & project work. Track yourlearning, set reminders, edit, add favourite topics, share thetopics on social media. Some of the topics Covered in the app are:1. MACHINABILITY 2. GEOMETRY OF CUTTING TOOL WEAR 3. GEOMETRY ANDMAJOR FEATURES OF WEAR OF TURNING TOOLS 4. ESSENTIAL PROPERTIES FORCUTTING TOOL MATERIALS 5. TOOL LIFE FOR CUTTING TOOL MATERIALS 6.TAYLOR’S TOOL LIFE EQUATION 7. FACTORS AFFECTING MACHINABILITY 8.CONDITION OF WORK MATERIAL 9. SOME OTHER WORK MATERIEL 10.APPLICATION OF WORK MATERIAL 11. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF WORKMATERIALS 12. METAL MACHINING 13. OTHER METAL MACHINING 14.COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION OF STEEL 15. TYPES OF ALLOYED STEEL 16.NONFERROUS METALS 17. TOOL LIFE 18. SURFACE FINISH 19.MACHINABILITY OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS 20. MACHINABILITY STRUCTURE21. MACHINABILITY OF MATERIALS 22. LATHE MACHINE 23. TYPES OFLATHES 24. OTHER TYPES OF LATHES 25. TURRET LATHES 26. ESSENTIALFEATURES OF THE LATHE 27. HEADSTOCK OF LATHE 28. TAILSTOCK 29.TERMS AND DEFINITIONS APPLIED TO SINGLE-POINTED CUTTER BITS 30.COMMON TYPES OF CUTTER BITS 31. LATHE ACCESSORIES 32. UNIVERSALSCROLL CHUCK 33. COLLET CHUCK 34. LATHE FACEPLATES 35. LATHECENTERS 36. LATHE DOGS 37. RESTS OF LATHE 38. TAPER ATTACHMENT 39.SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR LATHES 40. GENERAL LATHE OPERATIONS ANDMACHINING 41. LATHE SPEEDS AND FEEDS 42. METHOD OF FINDING RPM 43.FEED CONTROL 44. DEPTH OF CUT 45. CUTTING OILS 46. FACING 47.STRAIGHT TURNING 48. STRAIGHT TURNING OPERATION 49. SHOULDERTURNING 50. FINISH TURNING 51. PARTING 52. TAPER TURNING 53.COMPOUND REST 54. SOME ENGINE LATHES 55. LUBRICATION IN LATHE 56.ADJUSTMENTS OF LUBRICANT 57. ADJUSTING THE BEARINGS 58. UNIVERSALHEAD MAIN SPINDLE ADJUSTMENT 59. LATHES 60. MILLING MACHINES 61.MILL CONSTRUCTION 62. PROCEDURE OF MILL CONSTRUCTION 63. MACHINECONTROLS 64. RULES FOR MILLING OPERATION 65. KINEMATIC SYSTEM ANDOPERATIONS OF MILLING MACHINES 66. BASIC MILLING MACHINE PARTS 67.SAFETY RULES FOR MILLING 68. BASICS OF GRINDING 69. TYPES OFGRINDING 70. SOME FACTORS AFFECTING WORKPIECE SURFACE 71. ABRASIVEPROCESSES (GRINDING) 72. COMPOSITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS 73. MARKINGSYSTEM FOR CONVENTIONAL GRINDING WHEEL 74. MARKING SYSTEM FORSUPERABRASIVE GRINDING WHEEL 75. SELECTION OF GRINDING WHEELS 76.GRIT SIZE/ GRADE 77. TRUING AND DRESSING OF GRINDING WHEEL 78.IMPREGNATED DIAMOND TRUING TOOLS 79. DIAMOND FORM TRUING BLOCKS 80.GRINDING WHEEL MARKING SYSTEM 81. CENTERLESS GRINDING Each topic iscomplete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphicalrepresentations for better learning and quick understanding.Manufacturing engineering is part of Mechanical engineeringeducation courses and technology degree programs of variousuniversities.
Compiler Design: Software 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Compiler Design which coversimportant topics, notes, materials & news on the course.Download the App as a reference material & digital book forcomputer science, software engineering programs & IT degreecourses. This useful App lists 270 topics with detailed notes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics arelisted in 5 chapters. The app is must have for all the computerscience engineering science students & professionals. The appprovides quick revision and reference to the important topics likea detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for thestudent or a professional to cover the course syllabus quickly justbefore an exams or job interviews. Also get the hottestinternational engineering & technology news on your app poweredby Google news feeds. We have customised it so that you get regularupdates on subject from international/national colleges,universities, research, industry, applications, engineering, tech,articles & innovation. This is the best application to remainupdated on your fav. subject. Use this useful engineering app asyour education tool, utility, tutorial, book, a reference guide forsyllabus and explore study course material, aptitude tests &project work. Track your learning, set reminders, edit, addfavourite topics, share the topics on social media. Some of thetopics Covered in the app are: 1. Software Pipelining of Loops 2.Introduction to Software Pipelining of Loops 3. Introduction toCompiler 4. Interpreters 5. The Structure of a Compiler 6.Intermediate Code Generation 7. Building a Compiler 8. SemanticAnalysis 9. Applications of Compiler 10. Optimizations for ComputerArchitectures 11. Design of New Computer Architectures 12. ProgramTranslations 13. Software Productivity Tools 14. ProgrammingLanguage Basics 15. Minimisation of DFAs 16. Explicit AccessControl 17. Parameter Passing Mechanisms 18. Introduction to Syntaxanalysis 19. Context-free grammars 20. Writing context freegrammars 21. Derivation 22. Syntax trees and ambiguity 23. Operatorprecedence 24. Writing ambiguous expression grammars 25. Othersources of ambiguity 26. Syntax analysis and Predictive parsing 27.Nullable and FIRST 28. Predictive parsing revisited 29. FOLLOW 30.LL(1) parsing 31. Methods for rewriting grammars for LL(1) parsing32. SLR parsing 33. Constructions of SLR parse tables 34. Conflictsin SLR parse-tables 35. Using precedence rules in LR parse tables36. Using LR-parser generators 37. Properties of context-freelanguages 38. Introduction to Lexical Analysis 39. Regularexpressions 40. Short hands 41. Nondeterministic finite automata42. Converting a regular expression to an NFA 43. Deterministicfinite automata 44. Converting an NFA to a DFA 45. The subsetconstruction 46. Dead states 47. Lexers and lexer generators 48.Splitting the input stream 49. Lexical errors 50. Properties ofregular languages 51. Limits to expressive power 52. The Role ofthe Lexical Analyzer 53. Input Buffering 54. Specification ofTokens 55. Operations on Languages 56. Regular Definitions andExtensions 57. Recognition of Tokens 58. The Lexical-AnalyzerGenerator Lex 59. Finite Automata 60. Construction of an NFA from aRegular Expression 61. Efficiency of String-Processing Algorithms62. The Structure of the Generated Analyzer 63. Optimization ofDFA-Based Pattern Matchers 64. Introduction to Syntax-DirectedTranslator 65. Evaluating an SDD at the Nodes of a Parse Tree 66.Evaluation Orders for SDD\’s 67. Ordering the Evaluation ofAttributes 68. A larger example of calculating FIRST and FOLLOW 69.Syntax Definition Each topic is complete with diagrams, equationsand other forms of graphical representations for better learningand quick understanding. Compiler Design is part of computerscience & software engineering education courses andinformation technology degree programs of various universities.
MOS ICs & Technology 7
Engineering Apps
FREE Notes on MOS ICs & Technology (integrated circuit) foreasy learning and quick learning. This App is actually a FREEhandbook, which covers all the topics of the subject. You canconsider this App as a notes which professors guides with in aclassroom. You can very easily pass and succeed in your exams andinterviews if you have this App in your mobile phone, and give anoverview for a few days. It covers 114 topics of MOS ICs &Technology in detail. These 114 topics are divided in 8 units Someof topics Covered in this application are: 1. Moore's Law. 2.Comparison of available technologies 3. Basic MOS Transistors 4.Enhancement mode Transistor action: 5. NMOS Fabrication: 6. CMOSfabrication- P-WELL PROCESS 7. CMOS fabrication-N-WELL PROCESS: 8.CMOS fabrication-Twin-tub process 9. Bi-CMOS technology: - (BipolarCMOS): 10. Production of e-beam masks 11. Introduction to MOSTransistor 12. Relationship between Vgs and Ids, for a fixed Vds13. MOS equations (Basic DC equations): 14. Second Order Effects15. CMOS INVETER CHARACTERISTICS 16. Inverter DC Characteristics17. Graphical Derivation of Inverter DC Characteristics 18. NoiseMargin 19. Static Load MOS inverters 20. Transmission gates 21.Tristate Inverter 22. Stick diagrams-Encodings for NMOS process 23.Encodings for CMOS process 24. Encoding for BJT and MOSFETs 25.NMOS and CMOS Design style 26. Design Rules - MOS ICs &Technology 27. Via 28. CMOS lambda based design rules 29. Orbit 2umCMOS process 30. Resistance estimation. 31. Sheet resistance of mostransistors 32. Capacitance estimation 33. Delay 34. Inverterdelays 35. Formal estimation of delay 36. Driving large capacitiveload 37. Optimum value of f 38. Super buffer 39. Bicmos drivers 40.Propagation delay 41. Other sources of capacitance 42. Choice oflayers 43. Scaling of mos devices 44. Basic physical design anoverview 45. Basic physical design an overview 46. Schematic andlayout of basic gates-Inverter Gate 47. Schematic and layout ofbasic gates-NAND and NOR Gate 48. Transmission gate 49. CMOSstandard cell design 50. Layout optimization for performance 51.General layout guidelines 52. BICMOS Logic 53. Pseudo nmos logic54. Other variations of pseudo nmos- Multi drain logic and Gangedlogic 55. Other variations of pseudo nmos- Dynamic cmos logic 56.Other variations of pseudo nmos- CLOCKED CMOS LOGIC (C2MOS) 57.CMOS domino logic 58. Cascaded voltage switch logic 59. Passtransistor logic 60. CMOS technology logic circuit structures 61.Scaling of MOS Circuits 62. Technology Scaling 63. InternationalTechnology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) 64. Scaling Models andScaling Factors for Device Parameters 65. Implications of Scaling66. Interconnect Woes 67. Reachable Radius 68. Dynamic and StaticPower 69. Productivity and Physical Limits 70. Limitations ofScaling 71. Substrate doping 72. Depletion width 73. Limits ofminiaturization 74. Limits of interconnect and contact resistance75. Limits due to subthreshold currents 76. Limits due tosubthreshold currents 77. System 78. VLSI design flow 79. 3Structured Design Approach 80. Regularity 81. MOSFET as a Switch82. Parallel and series connection of switches 83. CMOS INVERTER84. NAND gate Design 85. NOR gate Design 86. CMOS Properties 87.Complex gates 88. Complex gates AOI IMPORTANT LINKS Feedback: Shareyour feedback at Social links Facebook : Twitter : All you a very HappyLearning
Calculator & Convertor 1.1
Engineering Apps
Basic Calculator plus ScientificCalculator& Converter is the perfect calculator for yoursmartphone. Itis best for Mathematics, geometry, physics, accounts,commerce andscience students studying in school.It covers high school & college level formulas andconversionlike weight, pressure, motion, force, profit &loss,area,volume, length, speed, accounting, trigonometry,torque,managerial accounting, calculations. It also includesbasicdefinition of 2D and 3D shapes and objects for betterunderstandingand learning.The converter is available for temperature, weight, length,power,energy,velocity & volume- It is light and very easy to use just like everyhandheldcalculator.- It has support for big numbers (number count up to 30 digits)andalso has a memory button that store and recall value- It have the same look and feel in every device size andscreenresolution.- Use memory to keep a running total you can see.- You can see all its basic operations in portrait mode andadvancedmath functions in the Landscape screen.- Its advanced math operations are: percentage, square root,powerof two, and power of n ,trigonometry functions.Its free for all Android Devices.
Faadoo College Notice Board 1.0
Engineering Apps
This app is only for the Special Faadooengineers StudentsCoordinator, whom connect for any informationor for organising any event for a particular college. In order tobecome Faadoo Special coordinator you have to apply for the premiummembership for And there are some terms andconditions for this, the details information can be collected fromthe main website of The number of SpecialFaadooengineers Students Coordinator may vary from colleges tocolleges and may depend upon the popularity and vastness of thecollege. However, the minimum number of Special FaadooengineersStudents Coordinator per college is one. And there is no suchspecial formalities for becoming Special Faadooengineers StudentsCoordinator, however the students should in the first, second orthird years (more emphasis on the engineering college.) Becoming aSpecial Faadooengineers Students Coordinator, the students will begiven various opportunities and offers, however he will have toperform some task, and these task are minor task which will notharm to their studies. Faadooengineer's College Notice Board is acommunity for engineering students where students keep updatingabout the information, news, events, etc about their college. Inshort College Notice Board is a place where every student can reachand get the latest news even if he have missed or unable to reachthe college physically. The Notice board is maintained by OurSpecial Students Coordinator and for every college there is atleast a student coordinator where they keep updating the news andother information. The main aim of the Notice board is to connectthe students as one community, to let they know what the otherstudents and colleges are up to, to know their positionacademically, Which are very essential for every students to builta successful career. Every information update on the notice boardis uploaded by students, is not responsible forany accuracy or validation.
Power Electronics 7
Engineering Apps
Power Electronics is a branch of Electrical Engineering whichdealswith power conversion from one from to another formusingInductors, Capacitors, Semiconductor devices (Diode,Thyristor,MOSFET, IGBT etc.). The power may be from mW(point onloadapplications) to MW(Power Systems). Energy Conversion cantakeplace in any form. The basic conversions are AC -AC(Cycloconverters) DC - DC (Converters) DC - AC (Inverters) AC -DC(Rectifiers) The app is a complete free handbook ofPowerElectronics which covers important topics, notes, materials&news on the course. Download the App as a reference material&digital book for Material science, electrical engineering&electronic engineering programs & degree courses. InshortPower Electronics is present everywhere in electrical frommobilechargers to battery chargers, from transmission &distributioncontrol to renewable energy storage and control. PowerElectronicsis also major part of the Battery Management System(BMS)and usedfor Electric Hybrid Vehicles(EHV). * Power semiconductordevices-their physics, characteristics,drive requirements andtheirprotection for optimum utilization of their capacities,Powerconverter typologies involving them, Control strategies oftheconverters, Digital, analogue and microelectronicsinvolved,Capacitive and magnetic energy storage elements, Rotatingandstatic electrical devices, Quality of waveform generated,ElectroMagnetic and Radio Frequency InterferencE Thermal Management
Welding Technology pro 2
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Welding Technologywhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs onthecourse. Download the App as a reference material & digitalbookfor Mechanical engineering programs & degree courses.Thisuseful App lists 200 topics with detailed notes,diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, the topics arelisted in5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineeringsciencestudents & professionals. The app provides quickrevision andreference to the important topics like a detailed flashcard notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student or aprofessional tocover the course syllabus quickly before an exams orinterview forjobs. Track your learning, set reminders, edit thestudy material,add favourite topics, share the topics on socialmedia. You canalso blog about engineering technology, innovation,engineeringstartups, college research work, institute updates,Informativelinks on course materials & education programs fromyoursmartphone or tablet or at useful engineering app as your tutorial, digital book,areference guide for syllabus, course material, projectwork,sharing your views on the blog. Some of the topics Covered intheapp are: 1. INTRODUCTION OF WELDING 2. CONVENTIONALWELDINGPROCESSES 3. WELDING WITH PRESSURE 4. FUSION WELDING5.INTRODUCTION TO ADVANCED PROCESS DEVELOPMENT TRENDS 6. SAFETYANDENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS 7. AREAS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF WELDINGPROCESSES8. INTRODUCTION TO ENERGY SOURCES USED FOR FUSION WELDING9.ENERGY-SOURCE INTENSITY 10. INTRODUCTION TO HEAT FLOW INFUSIONWELDING 11. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATIONS IN HEAT FLOW INFUSIONWELDING 12. PARAMETRIC EFFECTS OF HEAT FLOW IN FUSION WELDING13.THERMO PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SELECTED ENGINEERING MATERIALS14.INTRODUCTION TO FLUID FLOW PHENOMENON DURING WELDING 15.GASTUNGSTEN ARC WELDING 16. DEEP-PENETRATION ELECTRON BEAM ANDLASERWELDS 17. GAS METAL ARC WELDING 18. Submerged Arc Welding19.INTRODUCTION TO TRANSFER OF HEAT AND MASS TO THE BASE METALINGAS-METAL ARC WELDING 20. HEAT TRANSFER IN GAS-METAL ARCWELDING21. PROCEDURE DEVELOPMENT TRANSFER OF HEAT AND MASS TO THEBASEMETAL IN GAS-METAL ARC WELDING 22. INTRODUCTION TO ARC PHYSICSOFGAS-TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING 23. ELECTRODE REGIONS AND ARC COLUMNINGTAW 24. ARC WELDING POWER SOURCES 25. POWER SOURCE SELECTION26.PULSED POWER SUPPLIES 27. Resistance Welding Power Sources28.ELECTRON-BEAM WELDING POWER SOURCES 29. INTRODUCTION TOWELDSOLIDIFICATION 30. COMPARISON OF CASTING AND WELDINGSOLIDIFICATION31. SOLIDIFICATION OF ALLOY WELDS(CONSTITUTIONALSUPERCOOLING) 32.DEVELOPMENT OF WELD MICROSTRUCTURES33. EFFECT OF WELDING RATE ONWELD POOL SHAPE AND MICROSTRUCTURE 34.BRAZING 35. SOLDERING 36.PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES OF BRAZING 37.ELEMENTS OF THE BRAZING PROCESS38. HEATING METHODS FOR BRAZING 39.INTRODUCTION TO FUNDAMENTALS OFSOLDERING 40. FUNDAMENTALS OFSOLDERING 41. GUIDELINES FOR FLUXSELECTION 42. TYPES OF FLUXES 43.JOINT DESIGN 44. PRECLEANING ANDSURFACE PREPARATION 45. SOLDERAPPLICATION 46. SOLDERING PROCESSPARAMETERS 47. SOLDERING EQUIPMENT48. CHARACTERISTICS OF THECOMPONENTS OF A SHIELDING GAS BLEND 49.SHIELDING GAS SELECTION 50.BASIC POWER SOURCE REQUIREMENTS 51.CONVENTIONAL POWER SOURCEDESIGNS 52. DIFFUSION BONDING PROCESS 53.ELECTRONIC POWERREGULATION SYSTEMS 54. OUTPUT LEVEL, SEQUENCE ANDFUNCTION CONTROL55. MMAW CONSUMABLES 56. SUBMERGED ARC WELDINGCONSUMABLES 57.FILLER WIRES FOR GMAW AND FCAW 58. INTRODUCTION TOFUNDAMENTALS OFFRICTION WELDING 59. DIRECT DRIVE WELDING 60.INERTIA-DRIVE WELDINGEach topic is complete with diagrams,equations and other forms ofgraphical representations for betterlearning and quickunderstanding. Welding Technology is part ofMechanical engineeringeducation & courses and technology degreeprograms of variousuniversities.
MOS ICs & Technology Pro 1
Engineering Apps
Notes on MOS ICs & Technology (integrated circuit) foreasylearning and quick learning. This App is actually a handbook,whichcovers all the topics of the subject. You can consider thisApp asa notes which professors guides with in a classroom. You canveryeasily pass and succeed in your exams and interviews if youhavethis App in your mobile phone, and give an overview for a fewdays.It covers 114 topics of MOS ICs & Technology in detail.These114 topics are divided in 8 units Some of topics Covered inthisapplication are: 1. Moore's Law. 2. Comparison ofavailabletechnologies 3. Basic MOS Transistors 4. EnhancementmodeTransistor action: 5. NMOS Fabrication: 6. CMOS fabrication-P-WELLPROCESS 7. CMOS fabrication-N-WELL PROCESS: 8.CMOSfabrication-Twin-tub process 9. Bi-CMOS technology: -(BipolarCMOS): 10. Production of e-beam masks 11. Introduction toMOSTransistor 12. Relationship between Vgs and Ids, for a fixedVds13. MOS equations (Basic DC equations): 14. Second OrderEffects15. CMOS INVETER CHARACTERISTICS 16. Inverter DCCharacteristics17. Graphical Derivation of Inverter DCCharacteristics 18. NoiseMargin 19. Static Load MOS inverters 20.Transmission gates 21.Tristate Inverter 22. Stickdiagrams-Encodings for NMOS process 23.Encodings for CMOS process24. Encoding for BJT and MOSFETs 25.NMOS and CMOS Design style 26.Design Rules - MOS ICs &Technology 27. Via 28. CMOS lambdabased design rules 29. Orbit 2umCMOS process 30. Resistanceestimation. 31. Sheet resistance of mostransistors 32. Capacitanceestimation 33. Delay 34. Inverterdelays 35. Formal estimation ofdelay 36. Driving large capacitiveload 37. Optimum value of f 38.Super buffer 39. Bicmos drivers 40.Propagation delay 41. Othersources of capacitance 42. Choice oflayers 43. Scaling of mosdevices 44. Basic physical design anoverview 45. Basic physicaldesign an overview 46. Schematic andlayout of basic gates-InverterGate 47. Schematic and layout ofbasic gates-NAND and NOR Gate 48.Transmission gate 49. CMOSstandard cell design 50. Layoutoptimization for performance 51.General layout guidelines 52.BICMOS Logic 53. Pseudo nmos logic54. Other variations of pseudonmos- Multi drain logic and Gangedlogic 55. Other variations ofpseudo nmos- Dynamic cmos logic 56.Other variations of pseudo nmos-CLOCKED CMOS LOGIC (C2MOS) 57.CMOS domino logic 58. Cascadedvoltage switch logic 59. Passtransistor logic 60. CMOS technologylogic circuit structures 61.Scaling of MOS Circuits 62. TechnologyScaling 63. InternationalTechnology Roadmap for Semiconductors(ITRS) 64. Scaling Models andScaling Factors for Device Parameters65. Implications of Scaling66. Interconnect Woes 67. ReachableRadius 68. Dynamic and StaticPower 69. Productivity and PhysicalLimits 70. Limitations ofScaling 71. Substrate doping 72. Depletionwidth 73. Limits ofminiaturization 74. Limits of interconnect andcontact resistance75. Limits due to subthreshold currents 76.Limits due tosubthreshold currents 77. System 78. VLSI design flow79. 3Structured Design Approach 80. Regularity 81. MOSFET as aSwitch82. Parallel and series connection of switches 83. CMOSINVERTER84. NAND gate Design 85. NOR gate Design 86. CMOSProperties 87.Complex gates 88. Complex gates AOI IMPORTANT LINKSFeedback: Shareyour feedback at Sociallinks Facebook : Twitter: you a very HappyLearning
Basic Electronics Engineering Pro 3
Engineering Apps
• All important topics in an Electronics and CommunicationCourseare covered such as Electronic Device & CircuitDesign,Semiconductor Design, Electromagnetic theory,Microprocessors andmicro Controllers, Digital Signal processing,Control Systems etc •Best lecture & revision notes withElectronics Formula’s forQuick learning on Electronics &Communication Engineering. •This Electronics app contains all theECE related 160 topics in 5chapter in very simple and informativelanguage with suitablediagrams which helps Electronic Engineer’s(EC) students to scoregood marks in exams. • Very helpful for lastmin preparation forExams, Viva, Assignments and Job interviews forElectronicsengineering students. • Through the search functionalitywithin theapp one can review any subject related concept instantly.• It isthe most useful App for last minute preparations forElectronicsengineering students. • Some of the topics Covered inthe ebook appare: 1. Introduction to Electronics Engineering 2.Basic quantities3. Passive and active devices 4. SemiconductorDevices 5. Currentin Semiconductors 6. P-N Junction 7. Diodes 8.Power Diode 9.Switching 10. Special-Purpose Diodes 11. Tunnel diodeandOptoelectronics 12. Diode Approximation 13. Applications ofdiode:Half wave Rectifier and Full Wave Rectifier 14. BridgeRectifier15. Clippers 16. Clamper Circuits 17. Positive Clamper 18.VoltageDoubler 19. Zener Diode 20. Zener Regulator 21. Design ofZenerregulator circuit 22. Special-Purpose Diodes-1 23. Transistors24.Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) 25. Beta and alpha gains 26.TheCommon Base Configuration 27. Relation between differentcurrentsin a transistor 28. Common-Emitter Amplifier 29. CommonBaseAmplifier 30. Biasing Techniques for CE Amplifiers 31.BiasingTechniques: Emitter Feedback Bias 32. Biasing Techniques:CollectorFeedback Bias 33. Biasing Techniques: Voltage Divider Bias34.Biasing Techniques: Emitter Bias 35. Small Signal CE Amplifiers36.Analysis of CE amplifier 37. Common Collector Amplifier38.Darlington Amplifier 39. Analysis of a transistor amplifierusingh-parameters 40. Power Amplifiers 41. Power Amplifiers: ClassAAmplifiers 42. Power Amplifiers: Class B amplifier 43.PowerAmplifiers: Cross over distortion(Class B amplifier) 44.PowerAmplifiers: Biasing a class B amplifier 45. Power CalculationsforClass B Push-Pull Amplifier 46. Power Amplifiers: Class Camplifier47. Field Effect Transistor (FET) 48. JFET Amplifiers49.Transductance Curves 50. Biasing the FET 51. Biasing the FET:SelfBias 52. Voltage Divider Bias 53. Current Source Bias 54. FETaamplifier 55. Design of JFET amplifier 56. JFET Applications57.MOSFET Amplifiers 58. Common-Drain Amplifier 59.MOSFETApplications 60. Operational Amplifiers 61. Depletion-modeMOSFET62. Enhancement-mode MOSFET 63. The ideal operationalamplifier 64.Practical OP AMPS 65. Inverting Amplifier 66. TheNon-invertingAmplifier 67. Voltage Follower (Unity Gain Buffer) 68.The SummingAmplifier 69. Differential Amplifier 70. The Op-ampIntegratorAmplifier 71. The Op-amp Differentiator Amplifier 72.History ofThe Numeral Systems 73. Binary codes 74. conversion ofbases 75.Conversion of decimal to binary ( base 10 to base 2) 76.OctalNumber System 77. Hexadecimal Number System 78. Rules ofBinaryAddition and Subtraction Each topic is complete withdiagrams,equations and other forms of graphical representations forbetterlearning and quick understanding. Electronics is partofengineering education courses and technology degree programsofvarious universities.
Quality Control Engineering Pro 2
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Quality Control or QCwhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs onthecourse. Download the App as a reference material & digitalbookfor engineering programs & degree courses. This usefulApplists 88 topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations,formulas& course material, the topics are listed in 5 chapters.The appis must have for all the engineering science students&professionals. The app provides quick revision and referenceto theimportant topics like a detailed flash card notes, it makesit easy& useful for the student or a professional to cover thecoursesyllabus quickly before an exams or interview for jobs. Trackyourlearning, set reminders, edit the study material, addfavoritetopics, share the topics on social media. You can also blogaboutengineering technology, innovation, engineering startups,collegeresearch work, institute updates, Informative links oncoursematerials & education programs from your smartphone ortabletor at Use this usefulengineeringapp as your tutorial, digital book, a reference guidefor syllabus,course material, project work, sharing your views onthe blog. Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1. QualityImprovement andStatistics 2. Statistical Quality and ProcessControl 3. ControlCharts 4. Charts for Variable such as (X,Rcharts) 5. Charts forAttributes such as (P,C charts) 6. Use ofControl Charts 7. ProcessCapability Analysis 8. Principle ofacceptance sampling 9.Producer’s and consumer’s risk and Averageoutgoing quality 10.Sampling Error 11. Single Sampling Plan 12.Sampling Plans 13.Double Sampling Plan 14. Sequential Sampling Plan15. Acceptancesampling attributes 16. Acceptance sampling byvariable 17.Difference between attribute and variable samplingplans 18.Introduction to Reliability 19. Product Life Cycle Curveor Bathtub curve 20. Relationship between the failure rate and themeantime between failures 21. Systems Reliability (Series&Parallel System) 22. Implications for Design 23. RedundancyinReliability 24. Reliability based design 25. Introduction ofValueAnalysis 26. Defining Cost and Value 27. The Focus ofValueAnalysis 28. Use of Value Analysis (Within the business&Market induced Reasons) 29. Types Of Value Analysis 30.RelatedTools and Techniques of Value Analysis 31. Application ofValueAnalysis 32. Basic Concept of TQM 33. Difference BetweenQualityAssurance And Quality Control 34. Implementation of TQM35.Introduction of Implementation of TQM 36. Quality Assurance inTQM37. Quality Control points- Introduction 38. Quality ManagementinTQM 39. Introduction to Total Quality Management 40.Historicalevolution of Total Quality Management 41. Zero Defects inTQM 42.Introduction to Taguchi method 43. History of Six Sigma44.Defination of Six Sigma 45. Concept of Sig Sigma 46.Introductionof ISO 9000 47. ISO 9000 Standard Series 48. HistoricalBackground:The Concept of Quality Circle 49. Introduction ofQuality Circle50. Organizational Structure of Quality Circle 51.Material QualityControl 52. Diagnostic Techniques Introduction 53.Thomson,Rayleigh and Raman scattering 54. Diode laser absorption55.(Ta)LIF 56. Absolute intensities of spectral lines 57.SpectralLine Broadening 58. Continuum radiation and PowerInterruption 59.Introduction to Condition Monitoring 60.Introduction to ConditionMonitoring Techniques 61. Mean TimeBetween Failures (MTBF) 62.Objectives of Inspection and types ofInspection 63. Stages ofInspection Each topic is complete withdiagrams, equations andother forms of graphical representations forbetter learning andquick understanding. Quality control or QC ispart of all theengineering education courses and technology degreeprograms ofvarious universities.
Theory of Machine Pro 2
Engineering Apps
Theory of machine is a mechanical engineering app whichcoversimportant topics, notes, materials, news & blogs on thecourse.Download the App as a reference material & digital bookforMechanical engineering programs & degree courses. ThisusefulApp lists 161 topics with detailed notes, diagrams,equations,formulas & course material, the topics are listed in5chapters. The app is must have for all the engineeringsciencestudents & professionals. The app will help you same asatheory of machine book helps. The app provides quick revisionandreference to the important topics like a detailed flash cardnotes,it makes it easy & useful for the student or aprofessional tocover the course syllabus quickly before an exams orinterview forjobs. The app will guide you about dynamics ofmachinery and otherfunctions of machines. Track your learning, setreminders, edit thestudy material, add favorite topics, share thetopics on socialmedia. Blog about engineering technology,innovation, engineeringstartups, college research work, Informativelinks on coursematerials & education programs from yourSmartphone or tabletor at Use thisuseful freeengineering app as your tutorial, digital book, Lecturenotes ofnptel on theory of machine, a reference guide for syllabus,coursematerial, project work, sharing your views on the blog. Someof thetopics Covered in the app are: 1. TOM DEFINITION 2.FUNDAMENTALUNITS 3. INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS (S.I. UNITS) 4.PRESENTATIONOF UNITS AND THEIR VALUES 5. RULES FOR S.I. UNITS 6.FORCE 7.SCALARS AND VECTORS 8. KINEMATICS OF MOTION 9. LINEARDISPLACEMENT10. EQUATIONS OF LINEAR MOTION 11. GRAPHICALREPRESENTATION OFDISPLACEMENT WITH RESPECT TO TIME 12. GRAPHICALREPRESENTATION OFVELOCITY WITH RESPECT TO TIME 13. GRAPHICALREPRESENTATION OFACCELERATION WITH RESPECT TO TIME 14. KINEMATICMOTION (NUMERICAL)15. ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT 16. RELATION BETWEENLINEAR MOTION ANDANGULAR MOTION 17. ACCELERATION OF A PARTICLEALONG A CIRCULAR PATH18. NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION 19. MASS ANDWEIGHT 20. FORCE UNIT 21.COUPLE 22. MASS MOMENT OF INERTIA 23.ANGULAR MOMENTUM OR MOMENT OFMOMENTUM 24. WORK 25. ENERGY 26.PRINCIPLE OF CONSERVATION OFENERGY 27. IMPULSE AND IMPULSIVE FORCE28. ENERGY LOST BY FRICTIONCLUTCH DURING ENGAGEMENT 29. TORQUEREQUIRED ACCELERATING A GEAREDSYSTEM 30. COLLISION OF TWO BODIES31. COLLISION OF ELASTIC BODIES32. LOSS OF KINETIC ENERGY DURINGELASTIC IMPACT 33. SIMPLEMECHANISM 34. TYPES OF LINKS 35. STRUCTURE36. TYPES OF CONSTRAINEDMOTIONS 37. CLASSIFICATION OF KINEMATICPAIRS 38. KINEMATIC CHAIN39. TYPES OF JOINTS IN A CHAIN 40.MECHANISM 41. NUMBER OF DEGREESOF FREEDOM FOR PLANE MECHANISMS 42.APPLICATION OF KUTZBACHCRITERION TO PLANE MECHANISMS 43. GRUBLER’SCRITERION FOR PLANEMECHANISMS 44. TYPES OF KINEMATIC CHAINS 45.INVERSIONS OF FOUR BARCHAIN 46. SINGLE SLIDER CRANK CHAIN 47.INVERSIONS OF SINGLE SLIDERCRANK CHAIN 48. WHITWORTH QUICK RETURNMOTION MECHANISM 49. CRANKAND SLOTTED LEVER QUICK RETURN MOTIONMECHANISM 50. DOUBLE SLIDERCRANK CHAIN 51. OLDHAM’S COUPLING 52.SPACE AND BODY CENTRODES 53.METHODS FOR DETERMINING THE VELOCITY OFA POINT ON A LINK 54.PROPERTIES OF THE INSTANTANEOUS CENTRE 55.METHOD OF LOCATINGINSTANTANEOUS CENTRES IN A MECHANISM 56. ARONHOLDKENNEDY THEOREM57. LOCATION OF INSTANTANEOUS CENTRES 58. TYPES OFINSTANTANEOUSCENTRES 59. VELOCITY IN MECHANISMS 60. MOTION OF ALINK 61.VELOCITIES IN SLIDER CRANK MECHANISM 62. FORCES ACTING INAMECHANISM 63. ACCELERATION OF A POINT ON A LINK 64. ACCELERATIONINMECHANISM 65. ACCELERATION IN THE SLIDER CRANK MECHANISM66.PANTOGRAPH 67. DYNAMICS AND CONTROL Each topic is completewithdiagrams, equations and other forms of graphicalrepresentationsfor better learning and quick understanding. Theoryof Machines ispart of Mechanical engineering education courses andtechnologydegree programs of various universities.
Soil Mechanics Pro 1
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete handbook of Soil Mechanics with diagramsandgraphs. It is part of Civil engineering education whichbringsimportant topics, notes, news & blog on the subject. TheAppserves as a quick reference guide of Soil Mechanics asengineeringsubject. It covers 213 topics of Soil Mechanics indetail. These213 topics are divided into 5 units. The app is a freehandbook foreasy understanding and faster learning of thesubject.Soilmechanics is usually a part of civil engineeringdomain. All topicsare like flashcard which is easy to browse andrevise the topicsspecially at the time of exams and interviews.Some of the topicsCovered in this application are: 1. GEOTECHNICALLESSONS FROMFAILURES 2. GEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND PARTICLESIZES OF SOILS3. BASIC GEOLOGY 4. Composition of the Earth’s Crust5. COMPOSITIONOF SOILS 6. Surface Forces and Adsorbed Water 7.DETERMINATION OFPARTICLE SIZE OF SOILS 8. Particle Size ofFine-Grained Soils 9.COMPARISON OF COARSE-GRAINED AND FINE-GRAINEDSOILS 10.INTRODUCTION OF SOILS INVESTIGATION 11. PHASES OF ASOILSINVESTIGATION 12. SOILS EXPLORATION PROGRAM 13. SoilIdentificationin the Field 14. Soil Sampling 15. GroundwaterConditions 16. Typesof In Situ or Field Tests 17. PHASERELATIONSHIPS 18. PHYSICALSTATES AND INDEX PROPERTIES OFFINE-GRAINED SOILS 19. DETERMINATIONOF THE LIQUID, PLASTIC, ANDSHRINKAGE LIMITS 20. SOILCLASSIFICATION SCHEMES 21. Importance ofsoil compaction 22.INTERPRETATION OF PROCTOR TEST RESULTS 23. FIELDCOMPACTION 24.HEAD AND PRESSURE VARIATION IN A FLUID AT REST 25.DARCY’S LAW 26.FLOW PARALLEL TO SOIL LAYERS 27. DETERMINATION OFTHE HYDRAULICCONDUCTIVITY 28. Falling-Head Test 29. Pumping Test toDeterminethe Hydraulic Conductivity 30. GROUNDWATER LOWERING BYWELLPOINTS31. STRESSES AND STRAINS 32. IDEALIZED STRESS - STRAINRESPONSE ANDYIELDING 33. PLANE STRAIN AND AXIAL SYMMETRICCONDITIONS 34.Axisymmetric Condition 35. ANISOTROPIC, ELASTICSTATES 36. Mohr’sCircle for Stress States 37. Mohr’s Circle forStrain States 38.The Principle of Effective Stress 39. EffectiveStresses Due toGeostatic Stress Fields 40. Effects of Capillarity41. Effects ofSeepage 42. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE AT REST 43.STRESSES IN SOILFROM SURFACE LOADS 44. Strip Load 45. UniformlyLoaded RectangularArea 46. Vertical Stress Below Arbitrarily ShapedAreas 47. STRESSAND STRAIN INVARIANTS 48. Hooke’s Law Using Stressand StrainInvariants 49. STRESS PATHS 50. Plotting Stress PathsUsingTwo-Dimensional Stress Parameters 51. BASIC CONCEPTS52.Consolidation Under a Constant Load Primary Consolidation 53.VoidRatio and Settlement Changes Under a Constant Load 54.PrimaryConsolidation Parameters 55. CALCULATION OF PRIMARYCONSOLIDATIONSETTLEMENT 56. Procedure to Calculate PrimaryConsolidationSettlement 57. ONE-DIMENSIONAL CONSOLIDATION THEORY58. Solution ofGoverning Consolidation Equation Using FourierSeries 59. FiniteDifference Solution of the Governing ConsolidationEquation 60.SECONDARY COMPRESSION SETTLEMENT 61. Oedometer Test62.Determination of the Coeffi cient of Consolidation63.Determination of the Past Maximum Vertical Effective Stress64.PRECONSOLIDATION OF SOILS USING WICK DRAINS 65. TYPICAL RESPONSEOFSOILS TO SHEARING FORCES 66. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THEFAILURECRITERIA 67. Effects of Increasing the Normal EffectiveStress 68.Effects of Soil Tension 69. Coulomb’s Failure Criterion70.Taylor’s Failure Criterion 71. Mohr - Coulomb Failure Criterion72.INTERPRETATION OF THE SHEAR STRENGTH OF SOILS 73. LABORATORYTESTSTO DETERMINE SHEAR STRENGTH PARAMETERS 74. ConventionalTriaxialApparatus 75. Unconfi ned Compression (UC) Test 76.ConsolidatedUndrained (CU) Compression Test 77. POREWATER PRESSUREUNDERAXISYMMETRIC UNDRAINED LOADING Soil Mechanics is part ofCivilengineering courses in various engineering colleges.
Basics of VLSI Design Pro 1
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete handbook of VLSI with diagrams and graphs.Itis part of electronics & communications engineeringeducationwhich brings important topics, notes, news & blog onthesubject. Download the App as quick reference guide & ebookonthis electronics & communications engineering subject. Theappcovers more than 90 topics of VLSI Design in detail. Thesetopicsare divided in 5 units. You can very easily pass and succeedinyour exams or interviews, the app provides quick revisionandreference to the topics like a detailed flash card. Each topiciscomplete with diagrams, equations and other forms ofgraphicalrepresentations for easy understanding. Some of topicsCovered inthis application are: 1. Semiconductor memories:Introduction andtypes 2. Read Only Memory (ROM) 3. Threetransistor DRAM cell 4.One transistor DRAM Cell 5. Flash memory 6.Low - Power CMOS LogicCircuits: Introduction 7. Design of CMOSinverters 8. MOS Inverters: introduction to switchingcharacteristics 9. Scan-BasedTechniques 10. Built-In Self Test(BIST) Techniques 11. Historicalprospective of VLSI Design :Moore's Law 12. Classification of CMOSdigital circuit types 13. ACircuit Design Example 14. VLSI Designmethodologies 15. VLSI Designflow 16. Design Hierarchy 17. Conceptof regularity, modularity andlocality 18. CMOS fabrication 19.Fabrication Process Flow : BasicSteps 20. Fabrication of the nMOStransistor 21. CMOS fabrication :p-well process 22. CMOSfabrication : n-well process 23. CMOSfabrication : twin tubprocess 24. Stick diagrams and mask layoutdesign 25. MOStransistor : physical structure 26. The MOS Systemunder ExternalBias 27. Structure and operation of MOSFET 28. Thethresholdvoltage 29. Current voltage characteristics of MOSFET 30.Mosfetscaling 31. Effects of scaling 32. Small Geometry Effects 33.MOSCapacitances 34. MOS inverter 35. Voltage transfercharacteristics(VTC) of MOS inverter 36. Inverters with n-typeMOSFET load 37.Resistive load inverter 38. Design of Depletion-LoadInverters 39.CMOS inverter 40. Delay time definitions 41.Calculation of DelayTimes 42. Inverter Design with Delay Constrains: Example 43.Combinational MOS Logic Circuits : introduction 44.MOS LogicCircuits with Depletion nMOS Loads : Two-Input NOR Gate45. MOSLogic Circuits with Depletion nMOS Loads : GeneralizedNORstructure with multiple inputs 46. MOS Logic CircuitswithDepletion nMOS Loads : Transient analysis of NOR gate 47. MOSLogicCircuits with Depletion nMOS Loads : Two-Input NAND Gate 48.MOSLogic Circuits with Depletion nMOS Loads : GeneralizedNANDstructure with multiple inputs 49. MOS Logic CircuitswithDepletion nMOS Loads : Transient analysis of NAND gate 50.CMOSlogic circuits : NOR2 (two input NOR ) gate 51. CMOS NAND2(twoinput NAND) gate 52. Layout of Simple CMOS Logic Gates 53.ComplexLogic Circuits 54. Complex CMOS Logic Gates 55. Layout ofComplexCMOS Logic Gates 56. AOI and OAI Gates 57. Pseudo-nMOS Gates58.CMOS Full-Adder Circuit & carry ripple adder 59.CMOSTransmission Gates (Pass Gates) 60. ComplementaryPass-TransistorLogic (CPL) 61. Sequential MOS logic Circuits :Introduction 62.Behavior of Bistable Elements 63. The SR LatchCircuit 64. ClockedSR Latch 65. Clocked JK Latch 66. Master-SlaveFlip-Flop 67. CMOSD-Latch and Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop 68. DynamicLogic Circuits :Introduction 69. Basic Principles of PassTransistor Circuits Alltopics are not listed because of characterlimitations set by thePlay Store.
Semiconductor Device Pro 1
Engineering Apps
* The Semiconductor device, electronic circuit is made up ofamaterial that is neither a good conductor nor a good insulator.*Semiconductor devices are nothing but electronic componentsthatexploit the electronic properties of semiconductor materials,likeas silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide, as well asorganicsemiconductors. Key Terms o Semiconductor o Diode oTransistor oBipolar junction transistor o Base o Collector oEmitter oIntegrated circuits This useful App lists 160 topics withdetailednotes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material,thetopics are listed in 5 chapters. The app is must have for alltheengineering science students & professionals. Trackyourlearning, set reminders, edit the study material, addfavoritetopics, share the topics on social media. You can also blogaboutengineering technology, innovation, engineering startups,collegeresearch work, institute updates, Informative links oncoursematerials & education programs from your smartphone ortabletor at Use this usefulengineeringapp as your tutorial, digital book, a reference guidefor syllabus,course material, project work, sharing your views onthe blog. Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1. TheHaynes-ShockleyExperiment 2. Semiconductor Materials 3. CrystalLattice 4. CubicLattices 5. Planes and Directions 6. The DiamondLattice 7. BulkCrystal Growth 8. Growth of Single Crystal Ingots 9.Wafers 10.Epitaxial growth 11. Vapor-phase epitaxy 12. Molecularbeam epitaxy13. Charge Carriers in Semiconductors 14. EffectiveMass 15.Intrinsic Material 16. Extrinsic Material 17. Electrons andHolesin Quantum Wells 18. The Fermi Level 19. Compensation andSpaceCharge Neutrality 20. Drift and Resistance 21. Opticalabsorption22. Photoluminescence 23. Electroluminescence 24. CarrierLifetimeand Photoconductivity 25. Direct Recombination of ElectronsandHoles 26. Indirect Recombination; Trapping 27. Steady StateCarrierGeneration; Quasi-Fermi Levels 28. Photoconductive Devices29.Diffusion Processes 30. Diffusion and Drift of Carriers:Built-inFields 31. Diffusion and Recombination; The ContinuityEquation 32.Steady State Carrier Injection: Diffusion Length 33.Gradients inthe Quasi-Fermi Levels 34. Temperature Dependence ofCarrierConcentrations 35. Effects of Temperature and Doping onMobility36. High-Field Effects 37. The Hall Effect 38. Fabricationof p-nJunctions: Thermal oxidation 39. Diffusion of P-N junction40.Rapid Thermal Processing 41. Ion Implantation 42. ChemicalVaporDeposition (CVD) 43. Photolithography 44. Etching 45.Metallization46. Equilibrium Conditions 47. Equilibrium FermiLevels 48. SpaceCharge at a Junction 49. Forward- andReverse-Biased Junctions 50.Carrier Injection 51. Reverse Bias 52.Reverse-Bias Breakdown 53.Zener Breakdown 54. Avalanche Breakdown55. Rectifiers 56. TheBreakdown Diode 57. Transient and A-CConditions 58. ReverseRecovery Transient 59. The Ideal Diode Model60. Effects of ContactPotential on Carrier Injection 61. SwitchingDiodes 62. Capacitanceof p-n junctions 63. Recombination andGeneration in the TransitionRegion 64. Ohmic Losses 65. GradedJunctions 66. Metalsemiconductor junctions: schottky barriers 67.Current TransportProcesses 68. Thermionic-Emission Theory 69.Diffusion Theory 70.Thermionic-Emission-Diffusion Theory 71.Rectifying Contacts 72.Tunneling Current 73. Minority-CarrierInjection 74. MIS TunnelDiode 75. Measurement of Barrier Height 76.Activation-EnergyMeasurement 77. Photoelectric Measurement 78.Ohmic Contacts Eachtopic is complete with diagrams, equations andother forms ofgraphical representations for better learning andquickunderstanding. Semiconductor Devices is part ofengineeringeducation courses and technology degree programs ofvariousuniversities.
Transportation Engineering 1
Engineering Apps
This free App covers most important topics in simple Englishanddiagrams for a quick study and revisions at the time ofExams,Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the most usefulApp forlast minute preparations. The best app for school, collegeandwork. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot. ThisusefulApp lists 144 topics in 5 chapters, totally based onpractical aswell as a strong base of theoretical knowledge withnotes writtenin very simple and understandable English. Considerthis App as aquick note guide which professors use in a classroom.The App willhelp in faster learning and quick revisions of all thetopics. Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1 AdvancedPavement Design 2Automated Highway Systems 3 Traffic MonitoringSystem 4 BridgeBearings & Stability 5 Highway & TheirMaintenance 6 Whatare Geotech pavements 7 Intelligent TransportSystem 8 DevelopmentOf Robotic Bridge 9 Geographic InformationSystem 10 Geotextile& Their Application 11 Study on SelfStabilizing Track 12Research on Stress Ribbon Bridges 13 HighwayFailure & TheirMaintenance 14 Pavement Design By UsingGeotextile 15 UrbanTransport Plaling In Amravati 16 Factors leadingto Road ReAlignment 17 Pavement Surface Unevennes Evalution 18GeosyntheticsIn Construction Of Roads 19 Integral Bridges AnInnovative Concept20 Pedestrian Bridge Over College Avenue. 21Advancement InGeotechnical Engg. With Geo 22 Report On UrbanTransport PlanningProject 23 Use Of Discrete Fiber In RoadConstruction 24 Hydraulic& Hydrological Impacts On Bridges 25Polymer Composites InBridge Rehabilitation 26 Effect Of Ageing InVarious BituminousMixes 27 Mass Transit System – The necessity oftoday 28Stabilization Of Subgrade Using Geosynthetics. etcTransportationEngineering is part of Civil engineering education invariouscolleges and univeristies globally.
Power Plant Engineering Pro 2
Engineering Apps
Programming Principles Pro 1
Engineering Apps
This App covers most important topics in simple English anddiagramsfor a quick study and revisions at the time of Exams,Viva,Assignments and Job interviews. It is the most useful App forlastminute preparations. The best app for school, college andwork. Ifyou are a student It will help to learn a lot. This usefulApp lists127 topics in 5 chapters, totally based on practical aswell as astrong base of theoretical knowledge with notes writtenin verysimple and understandable English. Consider this App as aquick noteguide which professors use in a classroom. The App willhelp infaster learning and quick revisions of all the topics. Someof thetopics Covered in the app are: 1. Abstract Machines 2.TheInterpreter 3. Low-level and High-level languages 4. Example ofanAbstract Machine 5. Describe a Programming Language 6. GrammarandSyntax 7. Introduction to syntax and semantics 8. ProblemofDescribing Syntax 9. Methods of Describing Syntax 10. ExtendedBNF11. Attribute Grammars 12. Attribute Grammars Defined 13.Examplesof Attribute Grammars 14. Computing Attribute Values 15.DynamicSemantics 16. Axiomatic Semantics 17. Principles of languagedesign18. Programming paradigm 19. History of programming languages20.Language design 21. Design goals of programming languages22.Compilers 23. Virtual machines and interpreters 24.ChomskyHierarchy 25. Elementary data types 26. Integer operations27.Overflow operation 28. Enumeration types 29. Character type30.Boolean type 31. Subtypes 32. Derived types 33. Expressions34.Assignment statements 35. Introduction to lexical andsemanticanalysis 36. Lexical Analysis 37. Parsing Problem 38.Top-Downparsing 39. Bottom-Up Parsing 40. Complexity of Parsing 41.LLGrammar Class 42. Parsing Problem for Bottom-Up Parsers43.Shift-Reduce Algorithms 44. LR Parsers 45. Data type 46.PrimitiveData Types 47. Character String Types 48. ImplementationofCharacter String Types 49. Array Types 50. Array Categories51.Slices 52. Implementation of Array Types 53. Associative Arrays54.Record Types 55. Tuple Types 56. List Types 57. Union Types58.Pointer and Reference Types 59. Pointer Problems 60. Pointers inCand C 61. Reference Types 62. Implementation of PointerandReference Types 63. Heap Management 64. Type Checking 65.StrongTyping 66. Expressions 67. Arithmetic Expressions 68.OperatorEvaluation Order 69. Associativity 70. Parentheses 71.OperandEvaluation Order 72. Referential Transparency 73.OverloadedOperators 74. Type Conversions 75. Coercion inExpressions 76.Explicit Type Conversion 77. Relational and BooleanExpressions 78.Short-Circuit Evaluation 79. Assignment statements80. Fundamentalsof Subprograms 81. Procedures and Functions insubprograms 82.Design Issues for Subprograms 83. Local ReferencingEnvironments84. Parameter-Passing Methods 85. Implementating ModelsofParameter Passing 86. Implementing Parameter-Passing Methods87.Type Checking Parameters 88. Parameters That Are Subprograms89.Calling Subprograms Indirectly 90. Overloaded Subprograms91.Generic Subprograms 92. Generic Functions in C 93. GenericMethodsin Java 5.0 94. Design Issues for Functions 95.User-DefinedOverloaded Operators 96. Closures 97. Coroutines 98.The Concept ofAbstraction 99. Data Abstraction 100. Design Issuesfor AbstractData Types 101. Abstract Data Types in Ada 102.Abstract Data Typesin C 103. Abstract Data Types in C# 104.Parameterized AbstractData Types 105. Parameterized Abstract DataTypes in C 106.Encapsulation in C 107. Encapsulation in C 108.Concurrency 109.Categories of Concurrency 110. Subprogram-LevelConcurrency 111.Flow diagram of task states 112. Semaphores 113.CooperationSynchronization 114. Competition Synchronization 115.Monitors 116.Message Passing 117. Ada Support for Concurrency 118.Java Threads119. High-Performance Fortran
Electrical Power Systems Pro 3
Engineering Apps
Complete handbook of Electrical power systems with diagramsandgraphs. App covers notes on Electrical Power Systems. The bestappin Engineering Education also brings the blog where youcancontribute your work and get the research, industry,universityNews on the subject. You can very easily pass and succeedin yourexams or interview, the app provides quick revision andreferenceto the topics like a detailed flash card. Electrical powersystemapp has lots of topic to read and each topic is completewithdiagrams, equations and other forms of graphicalrepresentationsfor easy understanding. You can set reminderaccording to yourstudy time and you also can take aptitude test.There is a separatesection for students where they can write blogson any studyrelated topic. 1. Power semiconductor Devices in powersystem 2.Diodes in Power system 3. Thyristor in Power system4.Light-triggered thyristor (LTT) in Power system 5.Desiredcharacteristics of fully-controlled power semiconductors inpowersystem 6. Gate-turn-off thyristor in power system7.Metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor in powersystem8. Insulated-gate bipolar transistor in power system9.MOS-controlled thyristor in power system 10.Semiconductorswitching-power performance in Power system 11.characteristics ofsemiconductors used in power system 12. Coolingsystems ofsemiconductor in power system 13. Protection ofsemiconductors -snubber circuits 14. Current trends in powersemiconductortechnology 15. Thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR) 16.Fundamentalvoltage/current characteristic of TCR 17. Harmonics ofTCR 18. Thethyristor-controlled transformer (TCT) 19. The TCR withshuntcapacitors 20. Introduction to thyristor-switched capacitor(TSC)21. Ideal transient-free switching 22. General Switchingtransients23. Switching a discharged capacitor 24. Voltage-sourceconverters(VSCs) and derived controllers 25. Single-phasehalf-bridge VSC 26.Single-phase full-bridge VSC 27. Conventionalthree-phase six-stepVSC 28. Single-phase half-bridgeneutral-point-clamped (NPC) VSC29. Single-phase full-bridge NPC VSC30. Other multilevel convertertopologies 31. Pulse-width modulated(PWM) VSCs 32. UninterruptedPower Supplies (UPSs) 33. Introductionto HVDC transmission This isthe best leaning app for electrical andelectronics engineeringstudents .All topics are not listed becauseof characterlimitations set by the Play Store.
Mobile Communication 1
Engineering Apps
This is a complete free handbook of Mobile Communicationwhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs ontheMobile Communication. Covered Topics in this book 1.Introductionto Wireless Communication 2. Cellular System Design 3.MultipleAccess & Wireless Networking 4. Large and SmallScalePropagation 5. Spread Spectrum & Rake Recevier,Diversity6.Equalization and Speech Coding Download the App as areferencematerial & digital book for Mobile Communicationprograms &degree courses. This useful App lists 100 topics withdetailednotes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material,thetopics are listed in 5 chapters. The app is must have for alltheengineering science students & professionals. The appprovidesquick revision and reference to the important topics likeadetailed flash card notes, it makes it easy & useful forthestudent or a professional to cover the course syllabusquicklybefore an exams or interview for jobs. Track your learning,setreminders, edit the study material, add favourite topics, sharethetopics on social media. Use this useful engineering app asyourtutorial, digital book, a reference guide for syllabus,coursematerial, project work, sharing your views on the blog. Eachtopicis complete with diagrams, equations and other forms ofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning and quickunderstanding. MobileCommunication is part of engineering educationcourses andtechnology degree programs of various universities.